Lucky Dog Refuge is actively engaging with our state representatives to support legislation banning the sale of animals in pet stores. Kristen Roeckle testified on our behalf last week at the Planning & Development Committee on HB 6832 and our Co-Founder will testify on Monday at the General Law Committee Hearing supporting HB5112, an act that would prohibit pet stores from purchasing or procuring dogs, cats, and rabbits.
YOU CAN HELP BY SIGNING UP TO TESTIFY OR SUBMITTING A WRITTEN TESTIMONY SUPPORTING HB5112! You can do so before 3pm tomorrow to have your voice heard.
These hearings can be eye opening in many ways. Last week, we were asked by a state representative what a puppy mill is and when given a definition, he asked if that was a bad thing. Throughout the day, comparisons were erroneously and ignorantly made by speakers about pet stores and rescues being competitors. This could not be further from the truth as pet stores and commercial breeders line their own pockets off the sale of animals; while rescues are non-profits swimming in debt incurred by trying to save even a fraction of the nearly 3 million animals euthanized each year. The difference could not be more staggering.
As Amy Jesse from the Humane Society said, the data does not lie. Pet stores are knowingly selling dogs from puppy mills and Lucky Dog Refuge has two first-hand examples, one being from Smart Puppies in Stamford that came to light when the dog was surrendered to us. Documentation proved that the puppy came from a breeder with a horrific history of violations and the store refused to comment, despite its claims to only work with ethical breeders who follow USDA standards.
The ugly truth is that with pet stores providing the demand, puppy mills will continue to provide the supply and BOTH parties will continue to exploit and profit from animal cruelty.
We are against animal cruelty, NOT anti-
We had one of the BEST days yesterday...and it's still only January! The rest of the year has big shoes to fill!
We loaded up the Lucky Dog van with our Puppy Bowl stars Clark and Vivian and spent the morning with the iconic @annaandraven at @star999radio! Whaaaaat! While we humans were a bit star-struck and in awe, the pups immediately felt at home. Vivian sashayed up to the front desk and proudly declared that she had an appointment to see Raven; minutes later, out came the host himself! We filmed a segment for Raven's Pet Pals and talked all about our Puppy Bowl Watch Party at @nyccstamford on February 9, starting at 1:30 pm.
Then we got to meet the amazing Anna as well, and we recorded an interview about the Puppy Bowl and the importance of the message it spreads about #adoptdontshop. It aired this morning, and all the dogs at the rescue listened and cheered us on, especially Sugar. To think that Vivian and Clark went from abandoned Mississippi strays fighting for their lives, to Anna and Raven, and the Puppy Bowl in just seven months of life ... what a Cinderella story indeed!
Anna and Raven are not only the best show on the morning airways, but they are also huge animal lovers and advocates for rescue. They use their platform to raise awareness about so many important causes, and we are incredibly honored to be among them.
Thank you so very much to Anna, Raven, and Star 99.9 for being the most gracious hosts and making us feel so at home! And a shout out to their wonderful (and efficient) Executive Producer Julie Dunn for pulling it all together. It was a day we will never forget!
#annaandraven #star99.9 #morningradio #puppybowl #thepuppybowl #watchparty #makeadifference #giveback #rescuedogs #rescue #pitmix #labmix #cattledogmix #rescuepuppies #rescuepuppiesofinstagram