It was massage gun day for Ms B. I incorporate a variety of things in my training program. I don’t just focus on the riding portion. We work on foundational ground work, in-hand work focused on proper movement, gymnastic lunging, under saddle work, a combination of arena and trail riding and bodywork. I love to practice Masterson Method and I’ll bust out the massage gun when needed. B approved 🥰 #EquineWellness #horsetrainingtips #horsetrainerlife #happyheartshorsemanship
Calm, Forward & Straight
Calm, Forward & Straight.
Amy Skinner has engrained this into my brain. For good reason! When I’m with the horse, whether I’m leading or riding them, I try to focus on calm, forward and straight all the time. I want my horse mentally thinking calm and forward while staying straight and balanced through their body.
Moxy is a very vigilant guy who likes to check out all of his surroundings especially under saddle. He likes to look behind him and when he does this he’s more reluctant to go and much more jumpy. When I can get his mind thinking calm, forward and straight, he’s much more relaxed, flowing in his movement and less reactive and jumpy.
Here are a few of Mateo’s tricks. He keeps things fun with a level of challenge 🐉
❤️ Mat time
Tell me you love the mat without telling me you love the mat ❤️
I love his playfulness 🐉
Mateo had some spicy 🌶️ playful energy today 🐉. That’s one way to fix your feet I suppose 😆Carolyn Marie Monroe #libertytraining #horsetrainerlife #happyheartshorsemanship
To “Catch” a horse
To “Catch” a horse.
I grew up with horses. One of those horses was a red headed, bald faced, blue eyed mare. Born in our yard when I was 6 years old. She was a spitfire from the start but that’s a story for another day.
Crystal taught me a lot of lessons but a big one was how NOT to approach and halter a horse.
She would see me coming from a mile away. I could have sworn she thought, hahaha time for our favorite game of run away from the little girl with the halter. I would come up and hide the halter behind my back and sneak over to her to try to catch her before she would realize my plan. She always knew my plans….
Then it would turn into a game of chase. I would be red in the face and super frustrated by the time she would finally give in and let me halter her. My mom would tell me that I needed to go spend time with her more then just for riding. So I would work with her, haltering and grooming her and then letting her go without asking much for a couple of weeks. She would get a little better but it was always this little game she liked to play with me. So I thought.
Now when a horse plays this game with me, I ask myself why? It’s not really a game of keep away. It’s a form of communication and feedback that I need to bring awareness to. Crystal most definitely had an ill fitting saddle that I didn’t pay any attention to because I didn’t know any better at the time. I’m sure that was one of many reasons she saw me coming with the halter and played her game of keep away.
This is Ms B greeting for todays session after our first trail ride out in weeks we had yesterday. ❤️
There’s a lot that goes into how I approach a horse for haltering and then how I place the halter on their head that I think also plays a huge roll, but when a horse walks away from me when I approach to halter, I need to slow down and reevaluate some things not just with them but with myself.
Are they feeling okay physically, mentally, emotionally? Does th
A rhythm you can sing to! 🎶❤️ #horsetrainerlife #reapingtherewards #hardworkpaysoff #happyheartshorsemanship
Mateo fun!
Everyday is an opportunity to learn and grow when you’re working with horses. They teach you so much ❤️
It was a great view at the office today! LB is finally feeling more comfortable under saddle!! 🎉
Look at them go! Sandi learned that the flag is a great tool to get Maggie motivated for her much needed walks. Getting this little mule moving is a challenge for sure so this is very exciting for them ❤️ Good job Sandra Lepper!
Working on keeping Lil Bit engaged
I have struggled with keeping B’s attention so I’ve been playing with Liberty work & some +R using treat rewards. Which is a skill I’m working on and it takes a lot of discipline within myself to keep the proper timing and presentation of the treat. It’s a fine line between creating a pushy mouthy horse vs one who understands clearly when and how they get the treat. It’s hard to see from this video since she’s wearing the cavesson but she’s working with me completely at Liberty. I’d love to increase the space between us a bit but I’m happy with how engaged she was with me. It’s a great starting place. She’s also been struggling with some physical issues which has made under saddle work uncomfortable for her but after some body work, emotional regulation and postural work along with a new addition to her diet, I’m hopeful she will be a lot happier under saddle.