🌟Should It* Stay Or Should It* Go🌟
If you come to TEqLC, it* will go!
What is it*?
#teqlc #theequinelamenesscenter #horsesofinstagram #equinevet
🌟Stifle Radiograph 🌟
Check out this image, do you see the line going across the fibula? Is this a normal finding or fracture? Drop a comment ⬇️ .
#theequinelamenesscenter #teqlc #equineveterinarian #horsesofinstagram
🌟How Did This Happen🌟
This patient was found in the pasture with a bloody nose (blood coming from both nostrils) and superficial abrasions above the eye and in the throat latch region…….what do you suspect happened?
This is something we see often unfortunately.
#theequinelamenesscenter #teqlc #horsesoftiktok #equineveterinarian
🌟Placenta 101 🌟
Why are we filling this freshly passed placenta up with water?
#theequinelamenesscenter #teqlc #horsesofinstagram #equineveterinarian
🌟Are You Ready 🌟
⚠️This video may be slightly off putting, but I can assure you this patient feels better!
#teqlc #theequinelamenesscenter #equineveterinarian #horsesofinstagram
🌟Last Monday of the Year 🌟
May we all enjoy the rest of 2024 and go out of this year like this stud colt…..calm and quiet 😉!
#theequinelamenesscenter #teqlc #horsesofinstagram #equineveterinarian #anesthesia
🌟Field Anesthesia 🌟
Did you know…..we perform most routine castrations in a field or in an arena?
#teqlc #theequinelamenesscenter #equineveterinarian #horses
⚠️Slightly Graphic ⚠️
It’s important to remember, superficial abrasions on the distal limbs need to be cared for. Any damage to the skin on a distal limb can be a gateway for bacteria to reproduce and create an infection and/or inflammation. Check out this video of an abscess being opened and drained.
#teqlc #theequinelamenesscenter #equinevet #horses
🌟Making Athletes Great Again 🌟
Don’t be afraid to make your equine athlete feel better!
Injections can be a great option under the right circumstances.
Ask questions (risk vs reward) and have a good relationship with your veterinarian.
🎥 check out the effusion💧of this patients left medial femorotibial joint
#teqlc #theequinelamenesscenter #horsesofinstagram #horses
🌟Painful or Itchy 🌟
Who’s heart also stops when they walk out and see a down horse?!
Is the horse napping? Rolling because they feel good? Rolling because they feel bad? Are they trying to rub their belly on the ground because they are itchy? Is the horse colicking?
🎥 Check out this video, painful or itchy? What do you think and why?
#theequinelamenesscenter #teqlc #horsesofinstagram #horses
🌟Life @ TEqLC 🌟
Look who stopped by to help Andrea strip stalls ❤️.
#vetmedlife #momsofinstagram #theequinelamenesscenter #familyownedbusiness
🌟Blind Wolf Tooth 🌟
See before Post yesterday, treatment was to extract it!
#theequinelamenesscenter #teqlc #equineveterinarian