The Equine Lameness Center

The Equine Lameness Center Equine Veterinary Services * Chiropractic Care * Acupuncture

🌟 Saying Goodbye 🌟 Euthanasia Means “Good Death.” Euthanasia is the act of ending an animals life painlessly and mercifu...

🌟 Saying Goodbye 🌟

Euthanasia Means “Good Death.”

Euthanasia is the act of ending an animals life painlessly and mercifully.

Euthanasia may mean good death but it can feel terrible for the individual having to make the decision for the animal.

It’s an easy process most of the time. In our practice, anesthesia is Induced then the euthanasia solution is administered. It’s quick, easy and truly a beautiful gift you can give your animal when the time is right.

What’s not easy are the feelings of extreme guilt which can come later. Did I make the right decision? Could something have been done differently? Is there any other option?

These questions may arise and it’s best to know you are making the best decision for your animal and for you.

A few guidelines I use are:
1. Is the animal able to eat/drink on their own?
2. Is the animal able to urinate and defecate with out assistance?
3. Is the animal chronically lame and/or in pain?
4. Does the animal have a disease or condition that is incurable?
5. Is the animal generally happy?

Euthanasia may mean “Good Death,” but it also needs to feel like a “Good Death.”

Celebrate the animal and try to see how much your life was improved by loving something that depended on you. My heart breaks for any person having to have this internal debate. Making a choice for your animal is hard but allowing your animal to have a “good death,” is a beautiful gift.

📸 Before we induce anesthesia for euthanasia we try to offer a last meal or feed extra treats 🤍. It’s important to us to show kindness to the animal we are helping.

This job is hard and coming back to an empty stall over a horse we treated and prayed for is also hard but sometimes doing the hard thing is what is best for the animal.

Sending 🤍 to anyone who has had to make this decision.

🌟 Iron Sharpens Iron 🌟 Dr. Heather came to TEqLC today to get some hands on practice thanks to a few of our wonderful cl...

🌟 Iron Sharpens Iron 🌟

Dr. Heather came to TEqLC today to get some hands on practice thanks to a few of our wonderful clients and their equine athletes! Dr. Heather is a veterinarian who has successfully completed the animal chiropractic course and will take the AVCA exam this September! We wish Dr. Heather the very best 🤍 and thanks again to everyone who participated in todays activities!

🥳Happy Birthday Andrea 🥳TEqLC wants to wish Andrea the best year yet!!! We love you and appreciate you!!

🥳Happy Birthday Andrea 🥳

TEqLC wants to wish Andrea the best year yet!!! We love you and appreciate you!!

🚨Eye Issues 🚨 Did you know……an eye issue should be treated like an emergency?! Check out this picture 📸 , we have applie...

🚨Eye Issues 🚨

Did you know……an eye issue should be treated like an emergency?!

Check out this picture 📸 , we have applied stain to see if there is any uptake. Can you see the green dye? These areas are where the superficial corneal ulcers are. This owner noticed some eyelid swelling and called us out asap.

This patient is expected to make a full recovery.

🌟Horse Doctor Meeting 🌟Excited to meet up with colleagues, see what’s new in equine med and catch up with old friends!  ...

🌟Horse Doctor Meeting 🌟

Excited to meet up with colleagues, see what’s new in equine med and catch up with old friends!

🌟Chiropractic or Horse Hug 🌟 You can be the judge! Remember to get those equine athletes adjusted! Happy Monday friends!...

🌟Chiropractic or Horse Hug 🌟

You can be the judge! Remember to get those equine athletes adjusted! Happy Monday friends!

🌟 HIVES 🌟This patient was found as pictured coming out of the pasture…we are unsure what exactly occurred, however this ...


This patient was found as pictured coming out of the pasture…we are unsure what exactly occurred, however this is a hypersensitivity reaction .

For this reason, it is important to have a relationship with a veterinarian to call and consult, especially with emergencies.

This specific patient was rinsed off and received a dose of steroids and has since made a full recovery.

🌟Animal Chiro Class of 2024 🌟Congratulations to  Animal Chiropractic class of 2024!! What an incredible weekend it was t...

🌟Animal Chiro Class of 2024 🌟

Congratulations to Animal Chiropractic class of 2024!!

What an incredible weekend it was teaching and testing students from all over the world! These new animal chiropractors have endured months of training and testing and yesterday they graduated!!!

Teaching was never on my radar but it has been something I really enjoy and appreciate being around these talented individuals. Congrats to all ❤️!
Question: How can I become an Animal Chiropractor?

Answer: To be a Student in this program you have to be a Veterinarian or Human Chiropractor.

Question: The person who adjusts my horse is an animal chiropractor and is NOT a doctor, how can I be like them?

Anyone claiming to be an Animal Chiro or who “adjusts” horses who is NOT a Vet or Human DC is illegally working on animals. You do not want to be like them.

Why does this happen?

These individuals have no license, they have no liability insurance, and they are probably less expensive then a trained Veterinarian or Human Chiropractor. Unfortunately, these people still advertise they “adjust” horses, are equine “chiropractors,” and will continue to adjust because many horse owners do not know the laws. This is happening all over Texas. The only way to prevent an untrained individual working on your equine athlete is to educate yourself on who is working on your horse and what credentials they have.

Education is key to positive change, and I am grateful to be one of the Equine Chiro Lab Instructors for this years talented group of DVM’s & D.C.’s.


Radar ❤️🐴🌟


We like to watch Radar 🐴 work!


Way to go Thorp & T Wade! 🔥

🌟Over-reaching Remedies 101 🌟Have you ever had your equine athlete over-reach? If so, it can be a painful time for them ...

🌟Over-reaching Remedies 101 🌟

Have you ever had your equine athlete over-reach? If so, it can be a painful time for them and they may need a little time off depending on the severity and lameness.

A few helpful tips to consider:

🌟 soaking the foot in water and epsoms salt can be helpful to keep the area clean (usually soak once daily 20 min for 3-7 days)
🌟applying Zinc Oxide is a good way to keep the area moistened and protected from the sun, it also serves as a nice layer to keep flys away (apply fly spray over the zinc for added protection)
🌟 turn out boots may be used
🌟keeping a good farrier schedule for your athlete is also important

It is always best to consult with your veterinarian on the best treatment plan for your equine athlete.

🌟 Puncture Wound Complications 🌟 This patient had a history of a puncture wound a few months prior to these photos. The ...

🌟 Puncture Wound Complications 🌟

This patient had a history of a puncture wound a few months prior to these photos. The wound did not heal completely and there was a noticeable firm mass starting to form where the puncture wound was.

After an ultrasound exam revealed dense tissue with a fluid pocket, the mass was removed.

Checkout the 1st pic, why did we need to place a drain? Anyone know or want to guess?

Pic 2 is of the tissue removed and 3 is highlighting the pus pocket opened after removing the scar tissue.

This patient is expected to make a full recovery.

🌟Animal Chiropractic Program🌟 Check out what  Animal Chiropractic Program “docs in animal chiro training,” did this week...

🌟Animal Chiropractic Program🌟

Check out what Animal Chiropractic Program “docs in animal chiro training,” did this weekend 📸!

Doctors were tested on material from the last 3 months via a written/lab practical and learned some new adjusting techniques this weekend.

A few questions and comments addressed ⬇️ from previous post:

Question: How can I become an Animal Chiropractor?

Answer: To be a Student in this program you have to be a Veterinarian or Human Chiropractor.

Question: The person who adjusts my horse is an animal chiropractor and is NOT a doctor, how can I be like them?

Anyone claiming to be an Animal Chiro or who “adjusts” horses who is NOT a Vet or Human DC is illegally working on animals. You do not want to be like them.

Why does this happen?

These individuals have no license, they have no liability insurance, and they are probably less expensive then a trained Veterinarian or Human Chiropractor. Unfortunately, these people still advertise they “adjust” horses, are equine “chiropractors,” and will continue to adjust because many horse owners do not know the laws. This is happening all over Texas. The only way to prevent an untrained individual working on your equine athlete is to educate yourself on who is working on your horse and what credentials they have.

Education is key to positive change, and I am grateful to be one of the Equine Chiro Lab Instructors for this years talented group of DVM’s & D.C.’s.

🌟Blind Wolf Tooth 🌟 Check out the bump on the side (of the bar) of the mouth. This is not your typical location for a wo...

🌟Blind Wolf Tooth 🌟

Check out the bump on the side (of the bar) of the mouth. This is not your typical location for a wolf tooth but it’s good to check the bars of the mouth for these.

This patient has been elevating the head when leaving the box. The bit is putting pressure on this blind wolf tooth.

Stay tuned for the treatment and follow up on this case!

🌟Quiz Time 🌟 What is going on in the picture? Has anyone seen this before?! Discussion will be posted later in comments....

🌟Quiz Time 🌟

What is going on in the picture? Has anyone seen this before?! Discussion will be posted later in comments.

The best Equine Massage available at TEqLC June 3rd ❤️. If you want to set up Chiro/Massage special pricing available, t...

The best Equine Massage available at TEqLC June 3rd ❤️. If you want to set up Chiro/Massage special pricing available, text/call/DM for more details.

On Monday, June 3, I will be at The Equine Lameness Center in Stephenville with Dr. Jessica Hamilton. Schedule an appointment by calling or texting 254-978-3708. Both Dr. Hamilton and I will be available to assist you with your equine needs!
The clinic is located at 5144 W FM 8
Stephenville, TX

🌟Wound Update 🌟 Check out this wound 📸 this was caused by a rope horse kicking this patient and the shoe sliced the skin...

🌟Wound Update 🌟

Check out this wound 📸 this was caused by a rope horse kicking this patient and the shoe sliced the skin.

The skin unfortunately did not make it but that’s okay, this patient is still going to heal.

The first pic was May 2024 & the second was in November 2023. Use ⚠️ when looking at the second pic.

Key points when treating a wound like this:

1. Hydro, Hydro, Hydrotherapy
2. Movement is key: hand walking or turn out is important for these type of wounds
3. Vaseline applied around the wound is helpful to prevent the intact haired skin from sloughing
4. NSAIDs-(Banamine or Bute) are important to help reduce inflammation and swelling as well as provide some pain relief in the first 1-2 weeks
5. Antibiotics in the first 1-2 weeks
6. Treats (or something the horse enjoys, could be grooming etc) to keep the horse in a positive mindset
7. Wounds in a high motion area with thinner skin take a long time to heal, have patience with the process.

🌟Dentals 🌟 Yesterday, Hannah, soon to be Doctor of Chiropractic and animal chiro, hung out at the clinic yesterday to be...

🌟Dentals 🌟

Yesterday, Hannah, soon to be Doctor of Chiropractic and animal chiro, hung out at the clinic yesterday to better understand the equine athlete.

Check out Hannah, evaluating a patient’s mouth before a routine dental float.

Before Equine chiropractic care, make sure your athlete is up to date on their dental and farrier appointment. By having a well balanced mouth and hooves the chiro adjustment will hold better and longer.

🌟Happy Mother’s Day 🌟 I hope all of the moms have a wonderful day today!📸 Me & my sweet girl Della 💜

🌟Happy Mother’s Day 🌟

I hope all of the moms have a wonderful day today!

📸 Me & my sweet girl Della 💜


Congratulations to Wesley and his partner and way to go Rosa 🐴❤️ she’s beautiful and talented!!

🌟 Welcome to TEqLC 🌟 Today, we had City View ISD’s Equine Science Class participate in a live Equine Lameness Exam and a...

🌟 Welcome to TEqLC 🌟

Today, we had City View ISD’s Equine Science Class participate in a live Equine Lameness Exam and a Chiropractic Exam/Adjustment. These kids were fun, inquisitive and full of questions! We were happy to host them today!

Special thank you to Cassidy, Denai & Spaz 🐴 for helping with the demos!

We are all about doing our part to support the next generation of equine veterinarians ❤️.

🌟Animal Chiropractic 🌟 Check out  Animal Chiropractic Program “docs in animal chiro training,”  📸’s from this weekend! D...

🌟Animal Chiropractic 🌟

Check out Animal Chiropractic Program “docs in animal chiro training,” 📸’s from this weekend!

Doctors were tested on material from the last module via a written/lab practical and learned some new adjusting techniques.

A few questions and comments addressed ⬇️ from last months post:

Question: How can I become an Animal Chiropractor?

Answer: To be a Student in this program you have to be a Veterinarian or Human Chiropractor.

Question: The person who adjusts my horse is an animal chiropractor and is NOT a doctor, how can I be like them?

Anyone claiming to be an Animal Chiro or who “adjusts” horses who is NOT a Vet or Human DC is illegally working on animals. You do not want to be like them.

Why does this happen?

These individuals have no license, they have no liability insurance, and they are probably less expensive then a trained Veterinarian or Human Chiropractor. Unfortunately, these people still advertise they “adjust” horses, are equine “chiropractors,” and will continue to adjust because many horse owners do not know the laws. This is happening all over Texas. The only way to prevent an untrained individual working on your equine athlete is to educate yourself on who is working on your horse and what credentials they have.

Education is key to positive change, and I am grateful to be one of the Equine Chiro Lab Instructors for this years talented group of DVM’s & D.C.’s.


Wishing this team the best in the short round 🙌🏻

🌟Discussion Time 🌟 This patient had an acute injury to the suprascapular nerve resulting in muscle atrophy of the should...

🌟Discussion Time 🌟

This patient had an acute injury to the suprascapular nerve resulting in muscle atrophy of the shoulder muscles. Does anyone know what this condition is called?



🌟 Quiz Time🌟 How many days pregnant is this mare? A. 14 days B. 45 days C. 6 months D. Idk, but congratulations *Answer ...

🌟 Quiz Time🌟

How many days pregnant is this mare?

A. 14 days
B. 45 days
C. 6 months
D. Idk, but congratulations

*Answer will be posted in comments

🌟 Farm Calls 🌟 Did you know….TEqLC is making farm calls again?! That’s right, we have an awesome facility however someti...

🌟 Farm Calls 🌟

Did you know….TEqLC is making farm calls again?! That’s right, we have an awesome facility however sometimes it’s easier when you have a mare/foal or a herd to see, for us to come to you. Text/call/message to schedule.

🚨 Eyes Issues Are An Emergency 🚨  Check out this pic! Can you appreciate how blue this eye appears? The next step should...

🚨 Eyes Issues Are An Emergency 🚨

Check out this pic! Can you appreciate how blue this eye appears?

The next step should be to call/text/message your veterinarian and see what their recommendations are.

More than likely, your veterinarian will want to see your horse asap to ensure no further damage is done.

The ocular exam is necessary to determine what type of injury or illness your equine is experiencing and to select the correct medication and duration of treatment.

📸 This pic is a good example of corneal edema (the blue area resulting in a cloudy appearance) due to ocular trauma.

This owner was observant and had this horse in the clinic asap. The owners initiated proper treatment which lead to this patient making a full recovery.

🌟Foals & Immunoglobulin G 🌟Did you know.....foals obtain IgG (Immunoglobulin G) from colostrum and up to 25% of foals do...

🌟Foals & Immunoglobulin G 🌟

Did you know.....foals obtain IgG (Immunoglobulin G) from colostrum and up to 25% of foals do not get adequate IgG?

Knowing the level is important to know if your foal has “failure of passive transfer,” or low levels of IgG. The foal has 24 hours to absorb the IgG and if the results of this test come back too low or less than 800 mg/dl (upper right dot) we can supplement with plasma if needed.

This stall side Snap Foal IgG Test allows us to know our patients levels within 7 minutes.

The center (single) dot is the patients sample....upper right is 800mg/dl and upper left is 400mg/dl....this pic demonstrates a successful transfer of IgG from the mares colostrum.


5144 W FM 8
Stephenville, TX


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