Service Puppies In-training Rocky and Peppy were amazed at what they found under the tree! 🎄
Heeling House pups received an amazing gift from Pet Wants Chantilly. Carla from Pet Wants Chantilly generously donated food for the pups in the service dog training program. This donation will help to ensure our pups are receiving high-quality food and support the costs Heeling House pays to care for these pups.
If you are looking for ways to get involved or would like to keep some puppies fed, Pet Wants is offering a food purchase match program. You can purchase food for Heeling House through Pet Wants Chantilly, and Pet Wants will match your purchase. Everyone knows how much labs love to eat, so double the food means a happy lab!
We can't express our appreciation in our words, but our pups will be sure to share some extra kisses!