X=Weeble Wobble
Too much fun
Fun Times at X-Puppyland
Turn on your sound
X-Puppies vs Mobile
I’ve said it before, but today it became real! The FUN really happened. Morning was introduction to the mobile. Then this afternoon they were given full access to the outside run. But THEN I brought out the new toys. This is the first time I’ve used a child’s skateboard and it was a HUGE hit. Then the Wobble Board which is always popular. They are going to sleep well tonight.
A Sea of Swimming Baby Sharks
They eventually got cold and were soaking wet, but they had fun.
After a rousing session attacking the Weasel-ball and other exciting puppy size balls and toys, someone needed a nap.
Too stinking cute to not share! 5 weeks old.
Happy 13th birthday TR2 CH TopperLyn D'Artagnan. You are the epitome of a great versatile hunting dog! You have taken Chris and I down so many roads to success and always gave us 110% whether it was in Field Trials, NAVHDA tests, hunting, or conformation shows. You have made us so proud. Watching you and Chris in the field was poetry in motion with accompanying spectators who marveled at your ability to silently read Chris' body language. You've had some rough times (broken hip) and PLE, but you have persevered and amazed the vets with your strength to pull through even the most difficult issues. Every day I marvel at your happy demeanor and love so much to watch you run like it was nothing. Thank you for all the fun times too - UKC Premier - the first EB to get a Group placement in GunDog; running the very first Barrage under the CEB-US; traveling to Germany for the 35th Anniversary of the EB; being the only US-bred EB to be approved for breeding by the CBV, Germany; countless excellent performances in both Wild and Liberated trials (I don't know who was more surprised by the 8 Dusky Grouse, you or me - but you held steady); not to mention the real thing - HUNTING! And I know there are a number of people out there who also thank you for their excellent puppies. You were a great Dad. I hope you are enjoying your retirement and hanging out with "Papa Beau." You two are a real pair. I thought the theme from "The Man in the Iron Mask" was fitting "D'ARTAGNAN" (the French judges always loved your name) - You - Papa Beau - and brother Draco were pretty much "The Three Musketeers." Happy Birthday Buddy!