Burnt Fork Veterinary Clinic

Burnt Fork Veterinary Clinic Dr. Kauffman and her team have been helping Bitterroot Valley pets and farm animals for over 20 years! Burnt Fork Veterinary Clinic is a mixed-animal practice.

You are committed to your four-legged friend’s health and well-being, and so are we! The doctors and staff of Burnt Fork Veterinary clinic are skilled professionals who have the knowledge and expertise to assist you in the care of your animals. We are driven by a dedication to and a passion for animals. We are sensitive to your needs, and value the human/animal bond. This means we treat cats, dogs

, and most ranch animals including horses, cattle, goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, and pigs. Each member of our team–veterinarians, technicians and front office staff are deeply committed to providing exceptional care for your animals and professional, courteous service to you. So whether you have a dog who needs his regular vaccinations or a horse who needs his teeth floated, the team at Burnt Fork Veterinary clinic will take care of your animal’s health! BFVC was established to the Glory of God in 1998 by Dr Linda Kauffman and Barbara O’Bannon

On Tuesday, we talked about the importance of vaccinations for our feline friends. Today, we are going to talk about how...

On Tuesday, we talked about the importance of vaccinations for our feline friends. Today, we are going to talk about how important vaccinations are for the canines in our lives!

❓Why Are Vaccines Important for Dogs?
Even if your dogs don’t venture outside of the house or their own yard, they are still at risk and should stay up to date on their immunizations. Why is this, you may ask? Take these following points into consideration:

1️⃣ Dogs are social creatures. Any spaces frequented by many animals can pose a potential risk - even the sidewalk in front of your house or just outside your fence.
2️⃣ Human houseguests can bring something unexpected. Even if they’re strictly indoors, visitors can bring unwanted diseases into your home on their shoes or clothing.
3️⃣ We’re living with fewer borders. Due to an increase in owners traveling with their pets, local dogs are more at risk for diseases not usually common in their area.
4️⃣ Insects aren’t picky about who or what they bite.
5️⃣ If your pet is at risk, your family may be as well. Zoonotic diseases, such as Leptospirosis and Rabies, can be passed to people, putting even you at risk.

🐶💉What do canine vaccines protect against?
There are several safe and effective vaccines available for our dogs today. Here are the most common vaccines we administer in our clinic and what they protect your pet against:

💉Canine Distemper - Distemper is a highly contagious virus that can cause seizures, respiratory problems and gastrointestinal symptoms. Can be fatal in unvaccinated dogs.
💉Canine Parainfluenza - Parainfluenza can cause upper respiratory symptoms such as cough and runny nose.
💉Canine Adenovirus - Adenovirus can cause liver disease and can also be fatal in unvaccinated dogs.
💉Parvovirus - Parvo causes vomiting, diarrhea/bloody stool, lethargy, anorexia and a weakened immune system. This highly contagious and potentially fatal virus is spread by ingestion of contaminated f***s.
‼️ Parvo can live in the soil for up to 9 years!

💉Lepto - Leptospirosis is a bacteria that can cause fever, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea resulting in acute kidney failure and liver disease. It’s carried and spread in the urine of wild animals and can be passed to humans and can be fatal.

Canine distemper, parainfluenza, adenovirus and parvovirus are given as a combination vaccine series, often referred to as a ‘distemper and parvo vaccine’ for dogs. Lepto can also be included in this vaccine and should be boosted annually.

💉Bordetella - This vaccination is administered to protect your dog from Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex - commonly known as “kennel cough”.

🛑A common misconception is that your dog can only contract kennel cough at a boarding kennel, but really any nose-to-nose contact with an infected dog can put your dog at risk. Even through your backyard fence!

💉Rabies - Rabies causes neurological signs such as seizures and uncontrolled aggression. Transmitted primarily by infected wild animals, all mammals are susceptible.

💉Lyme Disease - Lyme Disease, transmitted by infected ticks, can cause lameness, joint swelling/pain, fever, depression and anorexia. This is not very common in our area, so we don’t typically carry this vaccine.

Vaccines have greatly reduced disease risks, making it easy to forget how dangerous some diseases were before their use. Vaccinating your dog not only improves their quality of life and prevents costly treatments but also protects against fatal illnesses and zoonotic diseases. Vaccines are required by law in some areas, and in our interconnected world, keeping your dog's vaccines up to date is crucial for both their safety and yours. Regular vaccination is a simple yet effective way to prevent serious health issues.

🔗All information provided by Zoetis Petcare. Follow the link below for even more information! We’ve also included additional links in the comments.

Is your dog really still at risk for diseases they can be vaccinated against? The answer is yes. Here’s why.

August is National Immunization Awareness, so this week we’re going to talk about the importance of vaccinating our pets...

August is National Immunization Awareness, so this week we’re going to talk about the importance of vaccinating our pets!

Today we’re going to discuss feline vaccinations.

❓Why Are Vaccines Important for Cats?

There are several reasons:
1. They’re a safe and effective substitute for your cat’s first exposure to a disease.
2. Vaccines can save your cat’s life.
3. They help to protect other cats and people.
4. Vaccines save time and money.

“Most vaccines are a medically necessary and cost-effective way to prevent disease for kittens, adult cats, and those with varying lifestyles. Others are considered optional and will only be recommended if your cat is likely to be at risk for those diseases.”

🐱💉Cat Vaccines That Are Highly Recommended (and Why)

💉Feline viral rhinotracheitis - This is a herpesvirus that causes upper respiratory infections or pulmonary infections in cats.
💉Feline calicivirus - This is a highly contagious virus that causes upper respiratory infections in cats as well as oral disease (inflammation and ulcers on the tongue and gums).
💉Feline panleukopenia - Also called feline parvo or feline distemper, this is a highly contagious virus caused by the feline parvovirus that invades and can kill rapidly by dividing cells in a cat’s bone marrow and intestines. The disease, which used to be the leading killer of cats, is now uncommon due to the highly effective vaccine.

Feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia are given as a combination vaccine, often referred to as a ‘distemper shot’ for cats.

💉Feline leukemia virus - FeLV is a retrovirus that weakens a cat’s immune system, making them vulnerable to other diseases that can result in death.
💉Rabies - Rabies is a preventable viral disease that infects the central nervous system when a mammal is bitten by a rabid animal.

🔗All information provided by Zoetis Petcare. Follow the link below for even more information!

What vaccines do cats need? There are several reasons certain vaccines are recommended (and often even required) for our feline friends.

Our wonderful Practice Manager, Laura, is moving this weekend to pursue her dreams and we could not be happier for her! ...

Our wonderful Practice Manager, Laura, is moving this weekend to pursue her dreams and we could not be happier for her! Although we are so sad to see her go, we appreciate all she has done for us and our community in her last 7 years of service.

Help us wish Laura and her family well on their next adventure! It's not "good-bye," it's "see you later."

💕 We love you, Laura! 💕

📸 Photos are from the little surprise going away luau we threw for her and her family last weekend. 🌺🌴🥥🌸

Did you know that microchipped pets are three times more likely to be reunited with their owners? This is one of many re...

Did you know that microchipped pets are three times more likely to be reunited with their owners? This is one of many reasons you should get your pets microchipped! Continue reading to learn more about microchips and why they are beneficial.

Microchipping provides a simple, effective way to protect your pet, offering peace of mind and ensuring that your beloved companion can be quickly and safely returned to you if they ever go missing.

❓What is a “microchip”?
A microchip is a radio-frequency identification transponder that carries a unique identification number, and is roughly the size of a grain of rice. This is injected under the loose skin between your dog’s shoulder blades and is no more invasive than a vaccination.

Microchipping your pets offers numerous benefits that enhance their safety and well-being:

🆔 Unlike collars and tags, which can be removed or lost, a microchip provides a permanent form of identification that remains with your pet for life.

🔎 If your pet gets lost, a microchip significantly increases the likelihood of being reunited. Animal shelters, veterinarians, and rescue organizations can scan for microchips and contact the owner through the registered information.

‼️Microchips are not GPS tracking devices. They are both useful to locating a lost dog in different ways. A GPS may tell you where your dog is, but it doesn’t provide your contact information. It also requires batteries and can be lost, like a collar or tags. Microchips provide a way for you to be contacted, by almost any veterinarian or shelter.

🗺 Many countries require pets to be microchipped for international travel. There are important travel regulations going into effect soon that require all dogs entering the United States to have been microchipped with an ISO certified microchip before their most recent Rabies vaccination.

‼️ It is important to keep your contact information up to date through your microchip’s database. Up to date information ensures that whoever finds your pet is able to contact you.

Microchipping is a safe way to ensure that your pet can be identified and returned to you if they ever get lost. Call the clinic today at 406-777-3844 with any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment!


With the internet outage our phones are not working well, please text 406-777-3844 or email [email protected]. You can try calling and leaving a voicemail and hopefully we will be at normal capacity soon!

Join us in welcoming our new Practice Manager, Tracey Rogstad! She's been hanging around learning the ropes with us the ...

Join us in welcoming our new Practice Manager, Tracey Rogstad! She's been hanging around learning the ropes with us the past month and we are very excited to have her join our team.

To learn more about our new team member, we asked her a few questions.

❓What are you most excited about as you start working at Burnt Fork Veterinary Clinic?
“I come from a 28 year career in public education, so I am excited to learn the vet industry! I’m also excited to watch the team care for animals for our community. I’ve already witnessed amazing compassion from the BFVC team!”

❓If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
“A cat! I could nap when I want and have a sweet and spicy attitude.”

❓How many pets do you have?
“Three! I have a 2 year old dog named Jozey and two cats, Bo and Mochi.”

❓What do you like to do in your spare time outside of work?
“I love spending time with my children (although they are now young adults), campfires, reading, gardening, and tending to plants in my new greenhouse!”

❓What’s a fun fact about you?
“My amazing children are adopted. It’s a beautiful story!”

Help us welcome Tracey to the BFVC team - comment "👏" below!

Summer is the time to travel! If you are planning on taking your pets on vacation, check out these tips to keep everyone...

Summer is the time to travel! If you are planning on taking your pets on vacation, check out these tips to keep everyone safe and comfortable on the journey:

🚘 Driving with pets
- Make sure your pet has enough food and water for the journey.
- Stop every couple of hours for potty breaks and a chance for everyone to stretch their legs and paws.
- Make sure uncaged pets are fastened with an animal-approved seatbelt, especially when traveling with open windows.
- Maintain a comfortable car temperature.

‼️ NEVER leave your pets inside a closed vehicle unattended.

🛫 Flying with pets
- Book your flight(s) in advance.
- Get the appropriate cage for your pet.
- Check which breeds are restricted before making arrangements for the safety of your pet.
- Have vaccinations and shots up to date.

🧳 Additional travel tips
- Keep microchip information current.
- Book pet-friendly accommodations.
- Use trusted pet-sitter apps.
- Practice caging beforehand so they get used to their travel cage.
- Watch for symptoms of nausea throughout the journey.
- Supervise your pet at all times, especially while traveling.

For more information, visit the link to read the full article! Happy tails on your future adventures!

Bringing your furry friend along on vacation can make your summer adventures even better! Whether you are embarking on a cross-country road trip or flying to a

☀️🥵 That summer heat is sticking around, so here are a few hot weather safety tips from our friends at Zoetis Petcare.❄️...

☀️🥵 That summer heat is sticking around, so here are a few hot weather safety tips from our friends at Zoetis Petcare.

❄️ Keep Them Cool

🚰 Keep Them Hydrated

Signs of dehydration include:
- Less energy
- Dry nose or gums
- Panting
- Loss of appetite

🐾 Protect Their Paws

‼️ Remember, if it's too hot for you to walk in your bare feet it's too hot for their paws. Test the pavement by placing the back of your hand or a bare foot on the pavement for 5–7 seconds.

🦟 Keep the Pests Away

For the full article, follow the link 🔗 below!

Hot weather-related conditions are more common as temperatures rise. Here are some hot weather safety tips for pets.

Next Saturday, we will be hosting another group training session with Marielle Lemal from Dogwerks Training here at the ...

Next Saturday, we will be hosting another group training session with Marielle Lemal from Dogwerks Training here at the clinic!


🕘 9:00am

📍 Burnt Fork Veterinary Clinic

💰 $125 per dog/person duo | $25 per additional person | $50 to audit

🥪 Lunch is included!

📞 To inquire and secure your spot, please reach out to Dogwerks Training @ (406) 239-5466

*️⃣ If you have already asked to be put on the waitlist for a session, we've shared your information with Marielle and she will be reaching out to you. If you have any questions, call the clinic and ask for Hayden.

If group sessions really aren't your thing, check out the online courses Dogwerks training has on their website! https://www.dogwerkstraining.com/

🔥💨 With the smoke starting to move in from out of state fires, we wanted to address how wildfire smoke can affect our an...

🔥💨 With the smoke starting to move in from out of state fires, we wanted to address how wildfire smoke can affect our animals and how we can protect them.

⚠️ Signs of irritation from smoke
- Coughing or gagging
- Difficulty breathing, including open mouth breathing and increased noise when breathing
- Eye irritation and excessive watering
- Inflammation of throat or mouth
- Nasal discharge
- Asthma-like symptoms
- Increased breathing rate
- Fatigue or weakness
- Disorientation or stumbling
- Reduced appetite and/or thirst

‼️ Animals with cardiovascular or respiratory disease are especially at risk from smoke and should be closely watched during all periods of poor air quality.

🔎 Tips to Protect Pets 🐶🐈
- Keep pets indoors as much as possible, and keep your windows shut.
- Let dogs and cats outside only for brief bathroom breaks if air quality alerts are in effect.
- Avoid intense outdoor exercise during periods of poor air quality. Exercise pets when dust and smoke has settled.

🔎 Tips to Protect Livestock 🐴🦙🐷🐐
- Limit exercise when smoke is visible. Especially don’t require animals to perform activities that substantively increase airflow into and out of the lungs.
- Provide plenty of fresh water near feeding areas.
- Good barn and field maintenance can reduce fire danger for horses and other livestock. Make sure barns and other structures are stable, promptly remove dead trees, clear away brush, and maintain a defensible space around structures.

‼️ Make sure to include your animals in your disaster preparedness and evacuation planning!

🔗 For the full list of tips on protecting pets and livestock, visit the link below.

☎️ If you find that any of your animals are experiencing any signs of distress from the smoke or dust, give us a call at 406-777-3844. For large animal questions, use extension #3.

Smoke from wildfires and other large blazes affects pets, horses, livestock and wildlife. Protect your pets and livestock.

‼️Attention Clients - Road Construction on Eastside Highway‼️ There is some road construction on Eastside Highway on the...

‼️Attention Clients - Road Construction on Eastside Highway‼️
There is some road construction on Eastside Highway on the south side of Corvallis at the railroad crossing. If traveling from that direction, delays are to be expected.

🎆🧨🇺🇸Happy 4th of July from the BFVC team!🇺🇸🧨🎆Wishing you a safe, fear-free holiday! We will be back in the office tomorr...

🎆🧨🇺🇸Happy 4th of July from the BFVC team!🇺🇸🧨🎆

Wishing you a safe, fear-free holiday! We will be back in the office tomorrow, July 5th.

🚨In case of emergency, the Pet Emergency Center and Sentinel Veterinary Medical Center in Missoula will be open.

📞To speak with our GuardianVet triage service, call 406-777-3844 and listen to the prompts.

🐴For a Large Animal Emergency, call 406-777-3844 and use ext. 3.


🧳🚗✈️ As we shared last month, there are some major changes to travel requirements for dogs coming into the United States. Watch the following video as our current Practice Manager, Laura, addresses these changes and answers some of the questions you may ask yourself:

❓ Who does this impact?
❓ What are the changes and when do they take effect?
❓ What documentation do I need to have to travel with my dog?

‼️ If you are planning on traveling out of the country this summer (yes, even just to Canada🇨🇦 or Mexico🇲🇽) be sure to do your research to ensure your pet will be allowed back into the states. Please give yourself plenty of time, several weeks, before travel to ensure ample time to get everything in order with your veterinarian.

☎️ Call the office today at (406) 777-3844 for more information.

⬇️ To learn more about these changes, take a look in the comment section for some additional resources. You can also check out our previous post regarding these changes, featured on the top of our page!

❤️🤍💙🇺🇸Are you ready for the 4th of July?🇺🇸💙🤍❤️Thursday, July 4th - CLOSEDFriday, July 5th - OPENSaturday, July 6th - OPE...

❤️🤍💙🇺🇸Are you ready for the 4th of July?🇺🇸💙🤍❤️

Thursday, July 4th - CLOSED
Friday, July 5th - OPEN
Saturday, July 6th - OPEN

As we anticipate a high volume of requests, please get your refill requests for medications and food in by Tuesday, July 2nd to ensure our staff has enough time to get them ready for you.

🚨In case of emergency, the Pet Emergency Center and Sentinel Veterinary Medical Center in Missoula will be open and we will have a large animal vet on call.

Meet 🩺Dr. Randa Boler🩺 - the new mixed animal doctor here at Burnt Fork Veterinary Clinic! (Sorry for the typo in the ph...

Meet 🩺Dr. Randa Boler🩺 - the new mixed animal doctor here at Burnt Fork Veterinary Clinic!

(Sorry for the typo in the photo, Dr. Boler!)

Dr. Boler is a Frenchtown Native and we are very excited to have her on our team! She will be taking appointments starting this Monday, July 1st.

To get to know our new doc a little better, we asked her a few questions:

❓Where did you go to school? When did you graduate?
Dr. Boler both received her undergraduate and attended veterinary school at Washington State University, graduating just this year!

❓How long have you been working with animals?
“Forever! I joined 4-H at 10 years old and have been surrounded with cattle, pigs, chickens, quail, cats, dogs, ect. ever since!”

❓What’s your favorite thing about working with animals?
“Meeting people that are equally obsessed with animals as me. And also baby anything - calves, foals, puppies, you name it!”

❓If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
“A cow. All I would have to do is graze, chew my cud, and nap all day.”

❓How many pets do you have? What do you have?
“I have 2 goats: Autumn and Annie; 2 dogs: Oscar and Marley; 1 three-legged cat named Milo; and 12 quail.”

❓What do you like to do in your spare time outside of work?
“Hiking, fishing, playing fetch with Oscar, and the occasional home improvement. I also enjoy showing cattle when I can!”

❓What’s a fun fact about you?
“My family raises and shows world champion Miniature Hereford cattle.”

Help us welcome Dr. Boler to our community - comment "👏" below!

With the 🇺🇸Fourth of July🇺🇸 being just a week away, we wanted to give a few tips on how you can keep your pets safe and ...

With the 🇺🇸Fourth of July🇺🇸 being just a week away, we wanted to give a few tips on how you can keep your pets safe and calm during the festivities. This holiday can be extremely stressful for pets due to the loud noises, unfamiliar activities, and potential hazards. There are a few things to think of before, during, and after the fireworks that will help keep your pet safe:

⏪🎆Before the Fireworks Start:
Ensure your pet is wearing a collar with an ID tag and that their microchip information is up to date in case they run off. More pets go missing around the Fourth of July than any other time of year!

Tire your pet out with a long walk or vigorous play session during the day to help reduce anxiety later. Also be sure to give your dog the opportunity to go outside to potty before things start up.

Creating a safe, quiet space indoors where your pet can retreat is also a great way to help them feel more comfortable. This could be a room with their bed, toys, and familiar items.

Do a walk around your property to make sure all fences and gates are secured to avoid escape.

Consider using calming products such as pheromone diffusers, anxiety wraps, or veterinarian-prescribed medications. Check out our post from a few weeks ago to see what options we have available!

‼️If your pet requires prescription medication, don’t wait until last minute to request it! Pets must have an up to date exam with their veterinarian to receive those prescriptions.

🧨🎆During the Fireworks:
Avoid bringing pets to fireworks displays and keep them indoors. Close windows and doors to help minimize the noise.

Play soothing music, white noise, or keep the TV on to help drown out the sound of fireworks.

Pets often take cues from their owners. Stay calm and avoid fussing over them too much.

Provide distractions like favorite toys, treats, or engaging activities to keep their mind occupied.

‼️Never use fireworks around pets. Even sparklers and smaller fireworks can pose serious risks.

Check the yard and make sure there are no remnants of fireworks or other debris that could be harmful to your pets or livestock.

Watch for any signs of stress or anxiety in your pet after the event. Consult a vet if you notice any concerning behavior.

🦺General Safety Tips:
Keep human food, especially chocolate, alcohol, and anything with bones, away from pets. Corn cobs and kabob skewers also pose potential risks if they are consumed.

Ensure pets can't access glow sticks, citronella candles, or other party items that could be harmful if ingested.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure your pet has a safe and less stressful Independence Day experience.

Kodak came in for his first vet appointment last week and he was very popular with the ladies 😎 Isn’t he so handsome??Le...

Kodak came in for his first vet appointment last week and he was very popular with the ladies 😎 Isn’t he so handsome??

Let’s play a game: How old do you think this Great Dane puppy is?

Answer: 12 weeks!

This little sweetie 💕loved💕 everybody at her first visit today! And if you know Dr. Damby, you know his favorite thing i...

This little sweetie 💕loved💕 everybody at her first visit today! And if you know Dr. Damby, you know his favorite thing is when his patients love him ❤️🐾 Just look how sweet Miss Maizy was with him!

Believe it or not, it is officially the ☀️First Day of Summer☀️ Here are a 5 ways to exercise your pet during the summer...

Believe it or not, it is officially the ☀️First Day of Summer☀️

Here are a 5 ways to exercise your pet during the summer to avoid the heat!

1️⃣ Enjoy sunrise and sunset walks
2️⃣ Invest in indoor stimulation games
3️⃣ Make a splash with water activities
4️⃣ Take a swim
5️⃣ Plan a pet playdate

Summer safety tips for exercising your pet
• Avoid strenuous activities (especially during the hotter afternoons)
• Keep your pet hydrated
• Keep your pet’s coat at an appropriate length
• Cool off with a cooling vest
• Watch for signs of overheating

To learn more, follow the link below!

NBC Montana, operating as KECI in Missoula, KCFW in Kalispell, and KTVM in Butte and simulcasting through KDBZ in Bozeman offer local and national news stories, sports, weather forecasts as well as entertainment programming. Our coverage area includes much of western Montana, including Thompson Fall...

‼New Pet Travel Guidelines - Effective August 1, 2024‼🧳🗺Are you planning a vacation soon that includes your canine compa...

‼New Pet Travel Guidelines - Effective August 1, 2024‼

🧳🗺Are you planning a vacation soon that includes your canine companion(s)? Make sure you do your research before heading out on the road or in the air because, starting August 1, 2024 at 12:01 AM, new rules will go into effect! These rules apply to all dogs, including puppies, service animals, and dogs that left the United States and are returning. They also apply whether you are a U.S. citizen, legal U.S. resident, or foreign national.

‼️ If the new CDC rules are not followed, your dog will not be allowed to enter the United States. This includes re-entry from 🇨🇦CANADA‼️

There is tons and tons of information on this, so we’re just going to cover the basics and include all of the important links (🔗) in the comments below.

📅➡️What Your Dog Needs to Enter the United States AFTER Aug 1, 2024

After Aug 1, 2024, ALL DOGS must:
- be 6 months of age at the time of entry or return to the United States.
- have an implanted International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-compatible microchip. [This must have been implanted prior to any required rabies vaccination and microchip numbers must be documented on all required forms and in all accompanying veterinary records.]
- appear healthy on arrival, or else they will be required to isolate, be examined or tested at the importer’s expense.
- have a CDC Dog Import Form receipt. [This form should be filled out online ideally 2-10 days before arrival and requires you to upload a clear photograph of the dog showing its face and body.]
- have additional documentation which varies depending on where the dog has been in the 6 months before entering or returning to the United States, or if the dog has a current rabies vaccine administered in the United States. [This includes either a USDA-endorsed export health certificate or a Certification of U.S.-issued Rabies Vaccine form - which both need to be completed by an accredited veterinarian.] 🔗

🔗Check out the “Travel Checklist for U.S.-vaccinated dogs” in the links below.

Like your passport, your dog’s documents should accompany your dog while traveling.

❓What about feline companions?
A general certificate of health is not required by CDC for entry of domestic cats into the United States, although some airlines or states may require them. However, cats are subject to inspection at ports of entry and may be denied entry into the United States if they have evidence of an infectious disease that can be transmitted to humans.

All in all, it is EXTREMELY important to do your research and plan well in advance before traveling with your pet - especially outside of the United States. Different countries and provinces have different rules and regulations - some requiring certain vaccinations or tests a certain amount of time before travel.

🔗See links in comments for more information.

Stay tuned for more summer/travel tips!

☀️🥵With the summer heat just around the corner, it's important to know the signs of heatstroke in your pet and how to pr...

☀️🥵With the summer heat just around the corner, it's important to know the signs of heatstroke in your pet and how to prevent it.

Signs of heatstroke include:
• Excessive panting
• Shortness of breath
• Drooling
• Increased body temperature
• Excessive thirst
• Increased heartbeat
• Red or purple gums
• Vomiting or diarrhea
• Weakness, dizziness, or stumbling

How to prevent heatstroke:
• Limit outdoor exercise
• Keep your pet hydrated
• Provide ample shade.
• Keep your pet in cool, ventilated areas.
• Treat your pet to some frozen snacks.
• Keep cooling devices on hand.
• Maintain appropriate fur length.

To learn more, follow the link below!

Summer is here, and the longer days mean more time spent outdoors with our favorite furry friends. However, just like humans, pets can suffer damage from the su


🇺🇸Is the 4th of July your pet’s least favorite holiday?🇺🇸

If you answered "yes", then you should start preparing now - NOT on July 3rd! Today we’re going to discuss various calming aids and how they can be an effective way to manage anxiety. (Look for the 🌟 to see what products we carry in-clinic.)

♥️Pheromone-Based Products
These products mimic the calming pheromones produced by mother cats and dogs. They may not be the most effective option, but could give some calming effect.

🌟Feliway sprays and diffusers
🌟Pheromone collars (not safe for households with children)

👕Anxiety Wraps
These pressure wraps can provide gentle, constant pressure - like a big hug!

🌟ThunderShirt - available in size S, M and L

🦴Calming Treats and Supplements
This is probably the option we get asked the most about, besides prescription medications.

🌟ElleVet Sciences CBD+CBDA products
- Calm & Comfort Chews
- CBD+CBDA Complete Oil
- CBD+CBDA Feline Paste

‼️It is very important when looking for CBD products to look for those including CBDA as well as pay attention to the dosing. Ideally, 2mg/kg is the best to ensure the best effects.

💊Prescription Medications
These medications, prescribed by your veterinarian, can help manage situational anxiety and stress.

🌟Gabapentin (suitable for both dogs and cats)

‼️If your pet needs prescription strength medication to help with anxiety, make sure you are established and up to date on your pet’s annual exam. Most veterinarians will not prescribe medication for a pet they have not seen within the last year.

💡Pro Tip: Don't wait until July 4th or give your pet a new calming aid - do a trial run or two! Any medication or calming treat designed to help reduce anxiety MUST be given at least 1-2 hours PRIOR to the anxiety causing event or it may not work as well as intended, if at all. Because of this, it's a smart idea to do a trial run or two to be sure the product will help your pet.

☎️Call the office today at (406) 777-3844 to discuss your pet’s anxiety with our staff and schedule an appointment if needed!

🐛 Are you concerned that parasites may be affecting your herd? 🐛While there are many different kinds of dewormers on the...

🐛 Are you concerned that parasites may be affecting your herd? 🐛

While there are many different kinds of dewormers on the market, they’re honestly not very effective at killing our large animals’ parasites. To make things more difficult, more and more animals have developed a resistance to these medications. Because of this, it can be difficult to find one that will work the best.

It is very important to prevent these parasites in the first place as well as knowing how to decide when medical intervention is necessary. Here are a few steps to follow if you think parasites could be present:

1️⃣ Make environmental management a mainstay
2️⃣ Consider f***l egg count testing if you have concerns
3️⃣ Use dewormers ONLY if needed

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT includes keeping manure cleaned up and not feeding hay/grain off of the ground. It’s also important to have as much land per animal as you can reasonably manage with your property, and consider rotating pastures between ruminants and horses as they don’t carry the same parasites. Keeping grass longer (at least 4 inches high) also helps prevent your large animals from picking up the eggs as they’re usually attached to the bottom 2 inches of forage.

F***L EGG COUNT TESTING allows veterinarians to see how many parasites animals have by counting the eggs in their manure under a microscope. This test can be very helpful in considering the animal as a whole - Are they thin? Are their eyelids pale (FAMACHA)? All of these factors together help determine whether we will use drugs to deworm them.

IF, after considering all of this information, it is decided that dewormer is needed, your vet will usually recommend using two different kinds at the same time - like Safeguard and Cydectin, for example. This is something that we try to avoid unless absolutely necessary, because, at this point, even a combination of dewormers might not be very effective.

Want to learn more? In the comments below, we’ve shared additional online resources on preventing parasitism in your horses and ruminants.

☎️ If you have questions or concerns about parasitism in your herd, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 406-777-3844 ext. 3 to speak with one of our large animal vets.


3682 Eastside Highway
Stevensville, MT

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm




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