Soldier loves snowballs! In fact, they often induce zoomies 😂🤗❄️❤️🐶 #soldierthesaint #wintertimefun #snowballsaresnacks
And because Facebook doesn’t allow you to post video & photos together 🙄 Here is a cool video I got while obsessively watching the snails 🐌 🤗❤️
And because Facebook doesn’t allow you to post videos & photos together 🙄 Here is a video I took while obsessively watching the snails 🐌🤗❤️
Guys, I just have to take a minute and recognize the beauty of the Lord’s handiwork ❤️ The sky these past few days has been breathtaking!! (More pics in comments because I don’t know how to post videos and pictures together 😊)
Have I mentioned that we have the coolest job?!🐠 We will absolutely feed your fish and enjoy watching them swim around in your beautiful pond 😍❤️
How’s halter training going, you ask? After only two tantrums, which involved sideways somersaults, we made it to our destination! Praise the Lord for our very healthy, very spunky Miss Maggie! #haltertrainingcalf #missmaggie #maggiethejersey
Because hose water is the best water 💦 ❤️
Because hose water is the best water 💦 ❤️
Yes, that is a duck
Mama doesn’t care, she’ll mother anything 🐣 ❤️
Seriously, I don’t mean to brag, but we have the coolest job!! What I thought was going to be a quick “scrub this and add it to the tractor” turned into Alpaca Shower Time @chasingjoyfarmnj 🤗❤️ #farmsitting #alpacashowering #pyattsfarmandpetcare
Not only are we happy to muck your stalls, but we are also happy to play with, I mean responsibly use, the manure spreader 🤗 #ilovemyjob #pyattsfarmandpetcare #manuremanagement #stallcleaning
Someone decided to come for a walk to the egg stand… #dontleavemebehind #maggiethejerseycalf #magdalinethetoothycow #pyattsfarmandpetcare