So, I knew moving out here and having a farm would be hard. But sometimes I’m really done. This is Noir. We only had her for 2 years. I don’t know what happened but she somehow broke both front legs. Broke them so bad that the only option was to put her down. She was my little barn buddy and always sat with me while milked the goats. She was only 5 years old. Sometimes no matter what you do, this tragedy of death is inevitable. Cats are surprisingly more vulnerable than I expected. In the 6 years we have been out here we have lost 5 feline friends, and for so many different reasons. 😔. I share this just cuz it’s not always happy times on the farm. It can feel really tragic.
This poor goat😆. She is one of the ones I am milking over the winter, which means I am not breeding her. But this poor thing comes into heat each month and is very vocal about it!! She runs up to boys begging for kisses and gets them all upset. As I type this, she is waiting on her leash outside the milking parlor, snorting and spitting just like the boys do, calling to this poor buck🤪
Raw goat milk
Did you know this time of year, dairies will dry up their goats so they can birth in a few months? ⁉️That means they have no milk available.
Here at Huevos Ranchero, we rotate our herd in a way that keeps us with milk year round!!!!
✨The luxury of small farming. 👩🏼🌾
We still have it coming and shares are available! 🥛Come taste the difference. You might be amazed at how refreshing fresh, raw goat milk is!
Nothin like some fresh milk in the morning!🥰
Getting a fresh drink as we clean out the water troughs. Fable is so cute 🥰. #herdshare #rawmilk #rawgoatmilk
Paris was going gaga for the brussel sprouts this morning!
They finally hatched a couple for this year!! All my girls have been sitting on eggs all summer. This hen got 3 to hatching! I think the boys were having a hard time figuring it all out. 😂
Yes they will be sold. So if you want them send me a pm!
I have a share opening up for August!! If you have been thinking about introducing raw goat milk to your health routine, now is the time! 1 share gets you 1/2 gallon a week of this amazing product.
Never tried raw goat milk? Schedule a tour and come try it for yourself!
I just love how they follow me 🥰
Meat birds
They’re always so happy when they get moved to the tractor.
Made a double batch of mozzarella today. Used 2 gallons
Such a cutie!!
He’s gonna need a home!!