Powerful Greens with Nutrition and Flavor
As a nutritionist and doctor of chiropractic, I have always looked for ways to get and keep my patients healthy. The world of nutrition is always changing and is confusing to many. Getting people to eat vegetables is also challenging. If you haven’t grown up eating vegetables, starting can be difficult. Vitamins and minerals, numerous micro-nutrients, enzymes and phyto-chemicals can only be accessed from fresh produce.
Microgreens represent many facets to me. First, my love of farming. Although I never farmed as a child, I always helped with gardening and landscaping. I love to watch seeds grow, they represent life as without them and the sun, we all perish. Secondly, it presents a easy and more importantly, nutrient dense, food source for all ages to enjoy. Microgreens come in all shapes, colors and flavors. Its like a Baskin-Robbins of vegetables and I eagerly wait each week for flavors to mature so I can share.
My business mantra is”food is natures medicine”. With microgreens, this is so true since studies show many of these varieties provide up to 40 times more nutrients than the mature plant does. We use non-GMO, organic when possible seeds on organic matter. All trays are grown indoors without chemicals. Sterile procedures are utilized when harvesting and our products are meant to be sold the day we harvest. My goals are to share this product with as many as possible in the Chippewa Valley and beyond. I strive to provide the best and freshest microgreen available.