Don't you shake your head at me, you young whippersnapper!
Baby's First Steps
Got to see this little girl get on her feet. Not real pretty with the mud.Up and walking in 15 minutes.
Docs Pepper Smoke 2005
This is Docs Pepper Smoke in 2005 ARHA World Show Jr Ranch Riding in which he was champion. He also won the open division. Kevin Mayberry is the rider. Of course, he is thicker and more muscular now, but you can see that he is an easy rider. He was also conformation champion in both open and amateur. Hadn't realized that I have so few videos of him. Guess I will have to make some more recent ones.
This is Pocket's first solo ride. Was ponied twice a year ago with Nathan Wright aboard, then the rains hit followed by an abcess that took forever to heal. He and Nathan are doing great!
Finally some dry days to get some ground work done on a colt. This is Nathan Wright and Pocket. Both of them new to ground driving. Both doing a great job!
This is a long yearling filly. This morning was the first time for a surcingle and getting acquainted with a flag on a windy day. Robin Swayne, Wesley Schroeder, Ronald Duckworth, this is a full sister to yours.
This is a short video of a mare raised by us and owned by Ronnie Duckworth. When this video was taken she had been in training at Rick and Elaine Jackson's place in Galatia, IL for about six weeks. The video is a little grainy but I think you can see, she has caught on to the concept of working cows pretty well.
On September 9th, 2013 I never would have thought this ride would have been possible.
Mr M and M Pepper---2011 gelding video continued. SOLD
Mr M and M Pepper---2011 gelding video continued SOLD
Mr M and M Pepper---2011 gelding going good under saddle. SOLD
Up and going! It's amazing that it only took him about 45 minutes to figure out how all those long legs work.