Breaking in the newly added water jump for the 2025 season!!! #polarplunge #IceBath
3 sessions of working on lay down and she’s got it! This mare is so smart and willing. It’s amazing in less than 3 weeks from wild she feels this comfortable with me to lay down next to me. Pearl is so very special 💙
#blmmustang #harmoniaequestrian #TripleB #horsetraining #wildhorses #mustangclassic
We picked a name! Stay tuned to the end of the reel to find out along with clips from this week in review. #mustang #blmmustang #horsetraining #startinghorses #wild #horses
Tinsley, our ex bucking horse now turned lazy horse 😂, taking his first try at jumps with Reagan. Great job, Reagan!! 👏
Ponying plays a major role in our training by teaches give to pressure, introducing riders above the eye and more. It requires a special skill set of coordination for pony horse and rider where they must safely and calmly manipulate the rope. In the last clip you’ll see our 14-year-old daughter, Reagan, hacking around a former pro rodeo bronc. He too was ponied during his start. #horsetraining #wild #mustang #blmmustang #horse #horseriding #rodeo #bronc #rodeorestart #startinghorses
With rain in the forecast we prioritized leading into our covered arena to keep grey mares progress going forward. #blmmustang #wild #horse #horseriding #horsetraining #mustang
Our Triple B grey mustang mare in her first days of training. She’s still not named so keep the suggestions flowing! Follow her training progress here on our page! Want to learn how to train a mustang? Contact Jen & Joe at (757) 932-0551 opt 2
Tongas first training in the neck rope. This baby thoroughbred is really coming along nicely. #ottb #thoroughbred #unbridled
Sophia’s rendition of a cowboy.
Though casual conversation, Sophia gave a demonstration of the way she sees cowboys. Although this may be a trope of Hollywood, it’s pretty hilarious.
First time trying liberty work from another horse! This proved to be a bit difficult at first as Echo, the horse I’m riding, is the dominant horse in the pasture and is not a huge fan of horses being close to her under saddle. lol. Therefore, this was a training process for both horses. Echo, to except another horse she’s used to pushing around in the field, and Dove’s hesitation to approach Echo at first, knowing she’s the herd leader. In the end I was pretty pleased I was able to connect with both horses to understand in that moment I was the herd leader. So much fun to play with new things, have to think outside box to achieve a goal, and seeing that goal come to life ❤️
Jennifer Rose
Playing with liberty from another horse
First time trying liberty work from another horse! This proved to be a bit difficult at first as Echo, the horse I’m riding, is the dominant horse in the pasture and is not a huge fan of horses being close to her under saddle. lol. Therefore, this was a training process for both horses. Echo, to except another horse she’s used to pushing around in the field, and Dove’s hesitation to approach Echo at first, knowing she’s the herd leader. In the end I was pretty pleased I was able to connect with both horses to understand in that moment I was the herd leader. So much fun to play with new things, have to think outside box to achieve a goal, and seeing that goal come to life ❤️
Jennifer Rose
More liberty fun today with my blm mustang, Dove, just a little over 60 days from wild. Working on sliding stop, come when called, and her first time seeing a tarp. I was amazed how calm and curious she was about it! #blmmustang #libertywork #horsetraining