Good day Sugar Grove!
The recent election has created some openings within our local government for opportunities of service. The positions include:
Village Trustee
Planning Comission
Police Pension Board
Though I cannot/should not comment, answer any specific questions, or have a direct conversation with any potential candidate since I will be able to comment and discuss in upcoming board meetings, the information for the positions are posted on the Village's website, and instructions to "throw your hat in the ring" are given there as well.
These are great positions for anyone looking to be directly involved in village government and be able to set direction of the village for years to come. I had been serving on the Police Pension Board for the past 5 years, and found it to be incredibly edifying.
I absolutely encourage anyone interested to please consider this great opportunity!
As a result of the recent municipal elections, the Village is looking to fill vacancies on the Village Board, Plan Commission and the Police Pension Board. To learn more about the functions of each bo