Helping the Monarch's along without getting too crazy. Made a little patch of milkweed with trellis outside. Small percentage in the wild seem to survive due to not enough milkweed and the T fly. I will be growing milkweed so I know its not been sprayed. These poisons gives them a disease and they won't make it. Also $15 a plant is getting expensive and the nurseries often times run out when I have dozens of mouths to feed, they eat a ton! That broke my heart. So in time I will create a natural habitat to help. Love helping them along! ❣
Make compost in garbage can!
Tribute to Fernando's. Hwy 42 in Summerfield. Thank you, you are a great grower. We miss your place.
Aphids in the house 😳😳😅 what to do when you house plants have insects. 😤
The Morning Flush. Grapefruit, orange, lemon or lime, cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric, dash of black pepper.
Treat your body. Take care of your temple.
Winter is coming to an end. A little garden update! For me, gardeniang is so much more than food. Hope this can help you in some way!
Starting plants for upcoming season!
Experimental Click n Grow. Will update along the way!
Worms crawling out of bin, 5 gallon bucket homemade grow tower and garden update.
Greeeeeeens harvest this morning! Whatcha growing?