Prebooking your grooming appointments. Many pet owners simply do not understand the need to prebook appointments with your professional groomer. Besides the fact that this is one of the busiest times of year for groomers, here are a few other reasons why prebooking appointments is crucial for both you and your pet:
1. Your professional groomer is busy, and they should be! This is a sign of a good business that knows how to properly operate as well as provide grooming and care of the pets. If a grooming salon isn't busy, you need to ask yourself why. Prebooking your appointments avoids disappointment when your groomer can't get you in this week, this month, or next month. Prebooking means your pet is always on rotation and you get preference for the days/times that are easiest for you.
2. Keeping your pet on a prebooked schedule means you can avoid a matted coat. With regular grooming schedules and you brushing/combing between appointments, the coat is properly maintained. You can keep your pet in a fluffy/longer groom when appointments are on a regular schedule.
3. Another benefit to prebooking your appointments is that you save money. Professional groomers must charge more when a coat is matted/pelted. Again, a regular grooming schedule keeps the coat maintained thus saving you additional fees.
Now that spring is here, your professional groomer is moving into one of the busiest times of year. If you haven't already done so, book your appointment NOW. Your groomer may be full currently and you may have to wait. While you're prebooking, go ahead and book your appointments for the year to avoid getting off schedule!