Sorry, this is a little long.
Taxidermists try really hard to get customers trophies back to them in a timely manner and manly for two reasons. Reason #1, the faster it gets done the faster the taxidermist gets paid, we have bills to pay too. # 2 reason is most taxidermist work hard to give the customer a quality product, we like to see a happy customer. But taxidermist that work alone like me can't always get stuff done on a timely matter. We work with tanners, suppliers, and other taxidermist that can keep us handcuff to their schedule. I try to keep my personal life to myself when it comes to the shop and my customers. But I have found that I have to explain that I have had some heath issues the last couple of years and this summer the doctors finally figured it out. In June I found out I had pneumonia and evidently had for some time. In September after some test, I found out it was a fungus that likely cause it. This kept me from being productive in the shop. I was always tired but couldn't sleep well because I couldn't breathe normal. Still have no idea what caused the fungus but the medications I'm on now seem to be working. After going thru this I'm no longer giving my customers an ETA of completion. I am now telling customers "When you get a call from me, it's done". This is my business I don't get paid until the mount is done. I wish I could snap my fingers and have it all done in a week, but that's not how it works. I want to thank all my customers for their patience, I'm sorry I can't keep everyone happy. Have a great weekend.
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