During this time, "Days of Awe" is a time of self reflection and being truthful with yourself.
Over the next days, ask yourself:
The Days of Awe (Yamim Noraim) are the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a time of deep reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal. Here are 15 meaningful questions you can address during this period to help you engage in introspection, growth, and healing:
In what areas of my life have I fallen short this past year?
(Reflect on moments where you didn’t live up to your values or potential.)
Have I wronged anyone intentionally or unintentionally, and how can I make amends?
(Consider if there are relationships in need of repair.)
How have I treated the people closest to me?
(Think about whether you’ve been present, kind, and understanding with family and friends.)
What habits or behaviors do I need to change to be a better version of myself?
(Identify actions that no longer serve your growth.)
Am I taking responsibility for my actions, or do I tend to blame others?
(Explore how you approach accountability.)
How can I be more mindful of my words and actions to avoid hurting others?
(Reflect on your communication and its impact on those around you.)
What are the blessings in my life that I’ve overlooked or taken for granted?
(Focus on gratitude for the things you may not always appreciate.)
In what ways have I grown spiritually this past year, and where do I need to deepen my connection with God?
(Evaluate your spiritual journey and where you want to focus moving forward.)
What fears or anxieties have held me back from pursuing what truly matters to me?
(Think about the internal barriers that prevent you from achieving your goals.)
How can I practice more forgiveness—both toward others and myself?
(Consider where you may need to let go of resentment and embrace compassion.)
What are my most important goals for the coming year, and how can I take steps toward them?
(Think about how to align your actions with your values and aspirations.)
How can I contribute more to my community and help those in need?
(Reflect on ways you can offer support and kindness to others.)
Am I living authentically, or am I holding back parts of myself out of fear or conformity?
(Examine how closely you’re living in alignment with your true self.)
What are the regrets I have from the past year, and what can I learn from them to avoid repeating mistakes?
(Use your regrets as lessons for personal growth.)
How can I renew my sense of purpose and meaning in life during this sacred time?
(Think about the steps you can take to live more intentionally and purposefully.)
These questions are meant to guide your self-reflection, helping you engage in the deep spiritual work of repentance, forgiveness, and renewal during the Days of Awe.