Check out our breeding pair of Twinspot gobies maintaining their burrow in one of our show tanks! They spawned last week under the monti and now they are sealing the eggs inside until a single juvenile emerges. Very exciting to watch this breeding process take place!
#konareefazsurprise #reef #tank #reeftank #reeftanksofinstagram #aquariumfish #aquariumlife
Aiptasia eating Nudibranchs IN STOCK! Get rid of your peaty aiptasia without risking a fish eating your corals! Plus at $10 each it won’t cost you an arm and a leg!
! #saltwateraquarium #reeftank #reefaquarium #saltwatertank #fishstore #reefaddict #plantedtanks #plantedtank #aquascape #aquascaping #saltwaterfishtank #eatsleepreef #aiptasia #aquarium #konareef #coral #shoplocalaz #aiptasiakiller #nudibranchs #coralreef
On their way. Hitting stores tonight!
‼Now taking Pre-Orders!‼
Wished you had a "Smart" Skimmer? Now you can with Red Sea's brand new REVOLUTIONARY Dual Controller system & Return Pumps:
✅Auto Skimmer Chamber Leveling & Bubble Management 🤯
✅"Full Cup" Notifications from your Phone 🥳
✅Smart Integration with your Return Pump 👍
✅Plus -- Easy Neck Cleaner, Instant or Scheduled Control from Phone with ReefBeat App, FoamView Window, Silencer System & MORE
‼️Taking Pre-Orders now!! First shipment expected in March -- LIMITED QUANTITIES available in first shipment(s)! We fully expect these to sell out! ‼️
💪 Popeye isn't the only one who gets stronger from greens! 🥗 Pick up some Macro Seaweed and Flake to make sure your fish are getting all the vitamins and minerals needed to keep them strong & healthy!
#notyouraveragelfs #coralreeftank #ReefAquarium #aquascaping #aquascape #frag #saltwateraquarium #coral #reeftank #saltwatertank #reefaquarium #coralreef #reef #saltwater #reefaddicts
New saltwater Livestock! Tons of inverts and Tangs to get rid of that pesky algae! Here’s what we got in today:
Annularus Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
Flame Angel
Lemonpeel Ange
Lawnmower Blenny
Tailspot Blenny
Auriga (Threadfin) Butterfly
Copperband Butterfly
Blue Damsel
Green Chromis
Diamond (Sleeper) Goby
Flame Hawk
Longnose Hawk
Blue (Hippo) Tang
Chocolate (Yel.Mimic) Tang
Flame Fin (Tomini) Tang
Naso Tang
Vlamingi Tang
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
Blue Leg Reef Hermit Crab
Emerald Crab
Pistol Shrimp: Tiger
Astrea Snail
Bumble Bee Snai
Cerith Snail
Nassarius Sand Snail
Tiger Sand Conch
Tropical Turbo Snail
Sand Star
Banggai Cardinal
Mandarin Goby
Filefish "Aiptasia-Eating"
Orange Spotted Gobies
Watchman Goby
Clown Tangs
Convict Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Scopas Tang
Scarlet Hermit crab
Blood / Fire Shrimps
Cleaner Shrimps
Coral Banded Shrimp
Pincushion Urchin
We have all your live food needs covered with a fresh shipment of Tigger pods. Our Das Brew is made fresh every week in house. It is handcrafted and designed by one of our employees who dedicated many hours of there own time to creating this unique and diverse blend of pods and other microfauna that you won't find anywhere else. Our rotifers are made fresh every morning and are one of the corner stones of any robust pod population as they reproduce quickly and feed larger pods in your tank.
Freshwater fish looking beautiful! Come grab some at 10, 20, or 30% OFF and celebrate our birthday with us!
We received a freshwater livestock order this this afternoon. New fish, plants, shrimp, and snails.