- When my instructor says to me: "Straighten your shoulders and open your chest!" "
She is not only teaching me how to have a good position. She teaches me that in life you must always walk straight and face the problems head up.
- When my instructor asks me to lower my legs and keep them close to the horse, she teaches me that in life we do not accept distractions and that little is enough to deviate from one's path.
- When my instructor says to me "Too many hands, don't hold on to the reins!" "She teaches me to give and not to take, in the highest respect of others."
- When she makes the loud voice and repeats me endlessly: "Look forward in the direction you want to go!" "She teaches me the importance of setting goals and never losing sight of them to achieve them."
- When I ask to move to the pace or the higher movement and my instructor says I'm not ready, she teaches me that in life you should always respect your pace and never burn the steps.
- When I fall and get up, I learn that there are always setbacks, moments when we get up, but the important thing is to get up more determined than before.
- If I'm holding my breath during a cover and she jokingly tells me "breathe! You are purple! "I understand that you have to let the emotions flow in order to get rid of it."
- When at the end of the course I am happy with the work done and my instructor says to me "Well done, thank your teacher" I know she is not referring to herself but to my horse.
- Now you, you who watch a rider pass in the saddle, keep saying that riding is not a sport because the horse does everything. I agree with you all.
- Horseback riding is not a sport. It's a big lesson in life.
Free translation of a text by Maria Grazia Pispico