Making Goober Dog work for her dinner tonight, since her brother got to go to class instead of her
#derpcrewshowdogs #elkhornmountainbritts #dogactivitypuzzle #dogactivitytoys #brainpuzzles #workingthemind #brittany #superrallybrittany
Out of all five trials we did this week, this was the only video anyone got of Artemis in Advanced π
Not our best run that week, we had a better run in the 2nd trial that same day a 95!
(Day 2, trial 1. Walked away with a score of 91 and first!)
To be fair, though, they decided to run both day trials for Friday and Saturday nearly simultaneously, and we had PK9 OGs in every single class, so no one had time to stop long enough to video. This was the day after she got her RA, and we were so close to Qing for Rally Nationals that I decided to keep her in Advanced until we got our last Q.
Fingers crossed we Q in Helena and can go with all of our other PK9 OG ladies in 2025!
#derpcrewshowdogs #elkhornmountainbritts #pawsitivek9solutionsswink #artemisthebritt #brittany #rallyobrittany #rallyodog #rallyadvanced #rallynationals
How the hell has it been 4 years already π
#derpcrewshowdogs #elkhornmountainbritts #artemisthebritt #apollothebritt #happy4thbirthday #brittany
Southern Colorado Kennel Club
November 12th, 2023
Rally Excellent B
#derpcrewshowdogs #elkhornmountainbritts #artemisthebritt #mousehunter #brittany #showdogsarepetstoo
Post-Thanksgiving festivities
#derpcrewshowdogs #artemisthebritt #gennadapointer #cracksquirreltanner #showdogsarepetstoo #postthanksgivingfun #thankfulformyheathens #thankfulformyfamily #thanksgiving
#derpcrewshowdogs #gennadapointer #cracksquirreltanner #artemisthebritt #showdogsarepetstoo #thetroublemaker #thecrackhead #theperfectone
Some stacking practice today π€
The gentle tail tugging (Newton's Third Law of Motion show dog style π) is a way we teach show dogs to lean onto their chests when presenting to the judge in the ring. This is done by using lots of positive reinforcement (high value treats)and gentle tugs on the tail caudal to the dog's chest.
#derpcrewshowdogs #elkhornmountainbritts #fireeaglekennels #firecrewshowdogs #artemisthebritt #showdog #showtraining #pawsitivek9solutionsswink
Artemis discovered Grandma's birthday balloons π
#derpcrewshowdogs #elkhornmountainbritts #fireeaglekennels #artemisthebritt #brittany #curiosity #balloons
CH Daveren's Ditty Boppers Party at Gab "Tanner" 3/21/21
Working the rust off before April
Tanner's 5th birthday
Belated birthday celebration for our resident Crack Squirrel! Can't believe he's already 5
#derpcrewshowdogs #cracksquirreltanner #birthday #germanpinscher
Artemis @ 10 months (February 23, 2021)
Not bad looking for 10 months (and no shows since November)
Elkhorn Mountain Brittanys
#derpcrewshowdogs #elkhornmountainbritts #artemisthebritt