I thought I would post a quick demonstration of the results we see by following a program like Puppy cultures or Avidog…..since these puppies were born, we have introduced new sounds, textures, sights, etc. they experience at least one new thing on a daily basis.… this is one example of the results we like to see by going the extra mile with our puppies
Audrey’s puppies have begun playing with each other.. their eyes are also beginning to open. Today they are 16 days old
Orions first show in almost 7 months! No love from the judges, but he showed so well both days! Best of all, he was happy and confident and so proud of himself!
Forgot to take a picture of her with her ribbon, Audrey went select yesterday, but Lance got a good video 🙂
We have had some impressive (and very rare) snow blanket us here in western Washington! With forecast saying we could expect a lot more! We personally got 8 inches over night and the girls are in heaven!
Many people think show dogs are kept in cages and not allowed to be “real dogs” this is not true. We love to be very active with our dogs. Here is one of our girls in her weekly class building endurance/confidence/strength and preparing for going lure coursing and dock diving this year!
Puppies have been busy learning new challenges and meeting new friends this week! Tomorrow they turn 7 weeks! We have a lot of activities and more visits scheduled as we prepare them for a great start to their new lives in only a couple of weeks! One thing they really love is their very own band practice😆