Our K- Ranch Aussies did phenomenal at the 3-day Heart of the Plains Kennel Club Scentwork Trail this weekend! 🐾🐶
It was Dixie and Georgia’s first trial, and they sure made us proud! They aren’t even one year old yet, and they were collecting all sorts of ribbons!
Georgia was 3rd place in Novice Exterior (two days in a row), and was 4th place in Novice Container. She earned her first THREE titles- Novice Container, Novice Interior and Novice Buried. 👏🏼 She only needs one more Q in Novice Exterior to finish her Scentwork Novice title.
Dixie earned 1st place in Novice Interior and 3rd place in Novice Container. She titled in Novice Containers, and only needs a few more Q’s to earn her overall Novice Scentwork title. She also received her first Q in Handler Discrimination.
Hero kicked butt in Handler Discrimination, earning 1st place!! She also got her first Q towards her Advanced Containers title.
We couldn’t be any happier with our girls. It was a wonderful weekend with our human and canine friends. We can’t wait until the next one! 🎉