Adding an update here and on its own post … surgery went great and Dr feels confident ! Only time will truly tell the level of success but for now she is back home in San Antonio recovering like the princess she is.
Thank you all for your comments and prayers .
Many of you will remember our sweet pup Prissy.
She was born with a very rare condition called “ectopic ureter syndrome”. I prayed so hard for her to have a blessed life just like all her siblings whether that meant she remained with us or somehow there might be a chance that there was a family she fit perfectly in with.
We had resolved at around 4 months of age that she would most likely remain with us. Then around Christmas we had a quick family getaway planned and booked all of our pets with their surrogate grandparents (if you will) at their favorite sleep away at Waggin' Tails Pet Lodge,
. Kelly and Mike love on these babies like we do. We dropped off everyone the evening before our departure and I was nervous about prissy and her condition but I had disclosed it to them completely and they still welcomed her whole heartedly. Special needs pups deserve love too! Early the next morning as we were leaving I received a text from Kelly. Her son Vincent had arrived the night before from San Antonio and was wanting information on prissy!
Not only was he immediately smitten with her but he also had a golden one month older and they were already like best friends! (And yes he was also made aware of her being “special”
I cried reading the message.
Vincent’s wife Katie is in the military and would be arriving a few days later and would meet Prissy and the rest is history.
I am giving you all this backstory because today is Prissy’s (now known as Lacey) surgery. She has traveled from San Antonio to Houston with her dad.
The Drs say this surgery is not always successful. And of course pet insurance doesn’t cover her rare condition.
Her chances of success are lower than what we had been t