My favorite part about Scarlett and the puppies relationship, is at her age now she can engage and have fun with them more! We’ve been practicing drop, and fetch which is a safe way for them to interact when we’re around. Teaching her more ways to interact with them that’s not hugging and hanging on them helps her make better choices when they are around!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We love our dog training family! Have a great holiday!
Emma working on her desensitization of the muzzle. We’ve been working on treating her inside the muzzle when she puts her head in on command, the next step is reaching the strap over her head. She was a little hesitant in the video, but we upped our reinforcement to small amounts of whip cream and she was successful multiple times! Muzzle training can be important for many reasons: ✨safety of dog and surrounding ✨dogs with pica (eat things that are not edible) ✨socialization with confidence ✨vet exams, especially with dogs in pain or with handling issues
This is Sly from advanced classes practicing his stride with cavaletti poles. We were trying to accomplish two tasks, back end awareness, and confidence building. Here is a progress video from him jumping with his back feet, to confidently learning where to place his feet. The end goal is not hitting it, and slowly stepping over it with each paw. By the end of class he was doing sets of three! Way to go Sly! #confidencebuilding #dogtraining #cavalettipoles #training #spatialawareness
Working on Braxton’s rear end awareness at the office. He is a big dude and lacks spatial awareness. There are lots of exercises you can teach to improve that. In this lesson I’m backing him up until his rear legs are on the platform. For him to get good, and therefore get the treat faster, he has to learn how to speed up putting his legs there. Which helps increase his rear end awareness! Try this with your bulldozer dog at home!
We started playing firework noises at a super low volume where you could barely hear it, then slowly raised the volume and paired it with treats. They made it pretty loud as you can hear in the video and I started to see some uncomfortable body language and stopped early! You can use this method to desensitize lots of noises such as, construction, babies crying, vacuum cleaners, loud cars, etc. just remember to keep it low to start and never go past where your dog is comfortable during one training session. #desensitization #dogtraining #noises #dogswithanxiety
Can someone explain why black dogs are the least likely to get adopted? I mean look at this face!
Working on ways to teach your toddler appropriate ways to interact with your dogs? Here’s a quick answer, involve them in making enrichment! Scarlett loves to be involved so she always enjoys when I ask for her help with the dogs. Making sure you teach your toddler what they CAN do with their dogs, is just as, if not more important, than telling them what they can’t do! Also y’all don’t come at me for being in our pajamas still at almost noon 😂 #babiesanddogs #toddlers #toddlersanddogs #dogtraining #enrichment
Spencer is such a good boy! He’s like a normal beagle though and his nose can get him into trouble. He has known to take off after a scent and his mom isn’t loud enough to get him to recall. However when we practiced recall at his house he did amazing. That led us to the idea to use a whistle to preface our touch command! Something easier for Spencer’s mom to use, and something loud enough Spencer can hear! When adding a new cue: the new cue (whistle)comes first, then the old cue (touch) comes next. Once you’ve practiced a few times, the whistle should predict the old cue!