American Bulldogs
American Bulldogs are one of the best breeds out there and the Huffmaster family has been breeding them for over 40 years. We have tested our foundation dogs for over 90 genetic diseases and their sub-variants and each dog has tested clear of all these diseases. Our breeding program incorporates both phenotype and genotype practices. We began showing our dogs with the National Kennel Club (NKC) in 2014. The first male we took to show was Captain; he made Champion of Confirmation with the NKC in 2015. Captain has sired three NKC Champions of Confirmation (Hobbs, Tris, and Jillian) and two NKC Junior Champions of Confirmation (Raven and Susee). The first female we took to show is Raven and she made Junior Champion of Confirmation in 2015 and ranked ninth for the NKC 2015 USA American Bulldog of the Year. The next male we took to show is Hobbs and he made Champion of Confirmation in 2016 and ranked third for the 2016 NKC USA American Bulldog of the year. Hobbs has sired one NKC Junior Champion (Ellie). Jillian sired by Captain and Raven started showing in 2017. She made Champion of Confirmation that year and ranked fifth for the 2017 NKC USA American Bulldog of the year. We began showing Ellie and her half-brother Groot, both sired by Hobbs, in late 2017. Ellie made her Junior Champion of Confirmation early in 2018 and we are hopeful that she will get her adult Championship by year end. Groot is working toward his adult Championship and hopefully will get it by the end of the year. Both Ellie and Groot are dual registered with the ABA.