Isn't Bella just the cutest?
Today we worked on teaching Bella to 'Relax".
I classify this as laying down with a hip thrown out or legs straight back (splooting). It is a more calm way of laying down, not in a stance ready to get up and move at any moment.
Relax is very helpful for dining out on outside patios, visiting friends homes or even just a quiet evening at home.
It's a way to have your pup lay down and understand that we are not moving anytime soon!
I teach this by first helping the pup get into a position that I consider 'relax" if it didn't happen naturally. Then once the behavior is achieved I reward almost constantly at first, then start to treat less and less the longer she stays in this position.
It is similar to stay, although you really want to be attentive to catching her before she stands up or moves from this position.
After some time we will be able to ask for "relax" and have her remain in it for any given period of time.
For help with this or any other training on please contact me for help!
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A busy work day means early morning exercise for Reef so that he behaves better throughout the day!
Less people around means off leash work, practicing come and other more difficult commands.
This is also an opportunity for Reef to act in a "primal" way and run around freely. He is good with "leave it" and also "no" so birds and other wildlife are safe.
All around a great start to our Thursday and an even better beginning to the weekend.
Get your pup out in nature and spend that half an hour with just the two of you.
Make time for your dog.
Happy Thursday!
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Teaching a new puppy to come is by far one of the most important things to implement early on.
Imagine your little fur baby sneaks out of the door when you go to leave, and darts out into the street. Being able to summon your puppy back to you quickly is the only thing stopping him from running away further out even possibly getting hit by a car.
'Come' is a basic command, one of the first we teach new puppies because it really sets up the relationship for you and your new dog.
After all, everyone knows that chasing a dog becomes a game and very rarely ends up with you successfully catching them.
If you'd like your furry friend to come when called, or any other basic skills, reach out to me I would love to help!
#redenglishlab #dogtraining #goodpuppy
#goodboy🐶 #canineobedience #obeidencetraining #redenglishlabrador
We took this weekend to focus on us, and our mental health.
It is a running joke in our family that Reef and I are each other's "emotional support" because we rely on each other so heavily for everyday comforts.
The reason that I can lean on Reef like this is because of our open communication.
Dogs are able to pick up on anxiety along with other emotions of their humans.
Communication takes two, and your dog is eager for you to learn how to talk to them.
Learning the body signals of your dog, however small they may be, allow you to pick up on when he is feeling uneasy or stressed.
Fortunately for us humans, it comes naturally to dogs to read us and know when we're feeling those similar emotions.
Training your dog to become an emotional support animal is something I highly support and would love to help you out with!
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Ranger- Puppy Session Two.
We worked today with Ranger on stay, long distance come, refreshed on sit and down.
Then we worked on loose leash walking and ended the day with a little fun, teaching him to rollover as seen here!
Ranger is a blast to work with, although full of energy. He thinks everything is a game, and we have to use that to our advantage to get him to focus!
Definitely one of my favorite pups, I cannot wait to see what you achieve Ranger!
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Dog Parks!
Many people have hesitations about taking their pup to a public dog park.
"My dog could get attacked."
"It could be so dirty."
"There could be diseases."
"My dog could get hurt"
Yes all of these things are a possibility. Do your due diligence to check out your local parks. Most cities close parks for a couple hours during the week to upkeep them but truthfully it is the OWNERS duty to clean up after their pet. That is the difference between a "disgusting" dog park and good clean one.
Dog park attacks do happen every so often, when a park is over crowded or an owner is careless and not keeping an eye on their dog. When your pup is overtired or starts to show stress signs it's time to go. An agitated dog leads to an aggressive one. Know your pup's body language and when he is no longer comfortable playing. Sometimes dogs just need a few minutes of a break or even to be taken to get water. It is also important to bring your dog to the correct size dog park as most have a large and small side depending on the weight class.
Dog parks are incredibly helpful at socializing your dog. They get to off leash greet and play with a variety of dogs and learn how to communicate in "doggy language".
I think it is very important to remember that one bad experience at the dog park does not ruin your dog. If anything being snapped at or humped by another dog taught him a valuable lesson in doggy language that you as a human never could.
Keep all this in mind and get your pup out for some socialization!
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Dog Parks!
Many people have hesitations about taking their pup to a public dog park.
"My dog could get attacked."
"It could be so dirty."
"There could be diseases."
"My dog could get hurt"
Yes all of these things are a possibility. Do your due diligence to check out your local parks. Most cities close parks for a couple hours during the week to upkeep them but truthfully it is the OWNERS duty to clean up after their pet. That is the difference between a "disgusting" dog park and good clean one.
Dog park attacks do happen every so often, when a park is over crowded or an owner is careless and not keeping an eye on their dog. When your pup is overtired or starts to show stress signs it's time to go. An agitated dog leads to an aggressive one. Know your pup's body language and when he is no longer comfortable playing. Sometimes dogs just need a few minutes of a break or even to be taken to get water. It is also important to bring your dog to the correct size dog park as most have a large and small side depending on the weight class.
Dog parks are incredibly helpful at socializing your dog. They get to off leash greet and play with a variety of dogs and learn how to communicate in "doggy language".
I think it is very important to remember that one bad experience at the dog park does not ruin your dog. If anything being snapped at or humped by another dog taught him a valuable lesson in doggy language that you as a human never could.
Keep all this in mind and get your pup out for some socialization!
#dogtraining dogtrainer #dogtrainers
#wolfdogsofinstagram #wolfdog ##dogtraining101 #dogpark #dogparklife🐾 #doggo #goodboy🐶 #dogsofinstagram #dogparkdays
Reef Reset and Off Leash Training Session One
Today I chose to take Reef down to the beach because the weather is rough and it's ghost town down here which means he can off leash train!
Reef has practiced off leash walking a handful of times on our property, but never out in public so this was a first for him! He is a hybrid therefore incredibly stubborn, and extremely picky when it comes to treats, so even real cheese only held his attention for about 15 minutes. I'm very grateful for how far we have come with him so far, and can't wait to see how far he goes.
So in this video we see Reef run through his basic commands outside, which increases his distraction level and adds in the elements as well. We were working in the sand and he didn't seem to love the idea of rolling over, but other than that he kept focus very well!
Once we started with 'Reset' it took him a good few hand lures to remember what I was asking of him. The goal of reset is to turn your pup around and have him by your side so that you can start walking with him parallel to you.
The most important thing to remember about this training method is to practice always with a leash on or nearby for safety and to have lots of treats on hand. As time goes on you will need to "close yes!" your pup less and less.
If you have any questions or would like help send me a message!
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Ranger Session 1
In this clip we work with Ranger for the first time on 'down' as well as following up on 'come' and keeping all four paws on the floor. Ranger is a 14 week old English Red Labrador, who is already a shining star!
When working with any puppy this young it is important to remember that they are literally just a ball of energy and want nothing more than to just all over any person who is willing to give them attention. It is usually quite difficult to keep the attention of a puppy this young, and Sarah does a fantastic job using her alerting sound to reobtain attention any time Ranger starts to get distracted.
It's so important with puppies at this age to remember that they do not know the words for the commands you are asking them. "Down" means nothing until you teach them the action to go with it. Puppies take an incredible amount of patience, and an understanding that the entire world is new to them so they are going to be distracted.