We had a good start to the weekend🫶🏼✨
It is fall in my heart but not in the air😫🥵 Any other horse people trying to will the weather to bring us some cooler temps?
Morning roll call with some cute hay munches 🌾
While I was hosing the herd off yesterday afternoon to deal with the heat, Jellybean showed us his process for how he gets that perfectly stained orange tint on his mane and tail😂
The minis snuck into the round pen after my morning lessons and I clearly interrupted some sort of meeting based on Priscilla’s exasperated sigh at the end of the clip😂 There’s no telling what sort of schemes those two were coming up with.
Running horses > bumper to bumper cars. Always🤠
Tried catching Jellybean peacefully drinking some water this morning, but he decided he wanted his close up instead🎥
I’ve been trying to build in more intentional time one on one with each of our horses into my schedule lately, in effort to better ground my nervous system as well as the horses’. Small, quiet, shifts are happening in myself and the horses as a result of these stolen moments between clients, farm chores, and the whirlwind of parenting a toddler and preschooler. ✨🐴…For those who are clients and know Martina, you know what I mean when I say her well runs deep. I’m always trying to better “see” and understand her. She’s notoriously itchy each spring and more sensitive to flies than the rest of my herd, so a quick scratch goes a long way in building up our relationship bank. Thankful to learn from her and the rest of our four legged teachers on a daily basis…🐴✨
Priscilla enjoyed a well deserved roll at the end of a client lesson this afternoon. Groundwork lessons, whether with the minis or one of our big guys, are always so much fun!
Feeling pretty grateful to have these wonderful, four-legged “coworkers”☺️ If you’re interested in what we offer here at the farm, shoot us a message!