It’s not just the big guys that love this product ❤️
For nearly 20 years with the exception of when boarded. My dogs have been on a Raw Food diet. I truly believe in it and the results speak for themselves. I’m finally able to offer to others a raw blend that their pets will love.
Working in a little recall while we play.
Playing a little with our 9 month old pup.
OB work a little exercising with hunting work. These are really good for stimulating the dogs mind and allowing them get in some exercise.
Little Cerna from this spring litter is fitting right in at his new home with Bill and Tammy bringing in the paper for mom and dad!
Iron Works dogs don't just look good they're smart to.
Just another day out with Ari the Cadillac
Ironworks Judah searching a school library looking for narcotics as part of his training.
Judah getting in a little more before he leaves us.
A little tracking this am with Aris......
This will be today's training session for our 2yr old Girl Pinta. This is her third week @ imprinting. Today's hide was placed in this field and will be out approximately 4 hours before I run her on it. She has no indication at this point so her ball is hidden with the source to help connect the dots for her and keep it fun! What I will be looking for is
1) will she give up
2) letting her learn to work the scent cone to source.
3) how well will she range without me.
All these are key elements when I select a dog for detection work.
See you in 4 hours.