This digital drawing illustrates the understanding of in standard bodily dimensions. The ears should be short you should not be able to see the ears standing tall on the top of the cats head. The shortness of the ears compliments the sweet open expression a persian should have when bred correctly the ears should sit short to the general head circumference. General head structure should be wide and square in proportion. A nice strong side profile as you can see it does depict. Big round circular shaped full eyes, nose centered in between the eyes. When the cat closes their eyes the eyelids should lay flat and even across the face. You do not want almond or squinty shaped eyes. A healthy and nice open nasal passageway. Deep break of the nose and a nice wide bottom jaw. Cat should seem like it doesnβt have a neck, like a lion backer. Healthy fat pocketing of the body, big strong b***d front and back legs, when dropped from a minimal distance the cat should land on all four feet at the same time. The body of the cat should be short and cobby, no longer in length than the cat is tall in height when standing on all fours. A nice short but compact tail that rests slightly to the lower spinal region and not up right.