IT's OFFICIAL! These girls are spayed and they are officially ready for adoption *BUT* we are still in IMMEDIATE NEED of a foster for them. They are truly so sweet and loving -- really nicely behaved good girls. They are 38 and 39 pounds, full grown -- possibly Australian Shep / Brittney mix (?)... adorbs! Please EMAIL if you would like to foster -- request a foster or adoption application at [email protected]
Thelma and Louise need an immediate foster, and then need a forever family. So many people (on many pages and in many groups) beg and beg and beg for a rescue to help. So, we step up to help so these two don't get separated, and then no one steps up to foster. Really makes us rescue folks want to quit. Then who will help the dogs?
Please share this around. There must be someone who will back their pleas with a place. .... for these girls to stay.
Please email [email protected] if you will foster. We are desperate.
SUPER CUTE BABY NEEDS A HOME. Good with other dogs, good with kids -- kids should be responsible and respectful and at least 10 years old. He is looking for his dream home with a nice yard, hopefully another dog, and excellent people. Please email [email protected] if you are interested.
Who remembers the pregnant mama Nellie we took in last year with her “toddler“ Noelle who was roaming the streets with her? Nellie had her babies on December 26 last year. The puppies are now a year old and they are all doing so great! We have connected with all of the adopting families who have sent pictures and we will be posting them shortly, but I wanted to share this fun video from “Boomer” who is now Bailey. My heart is overjoyed that these puppies are so happy and that they have such fabulous Holmes.
Trixie just loves to watch TV. But when there are dogs on the screen, oh boy!! 😀
I stumbled upon a corgi Christmas party tonight. What a treat! Made my day 🥰 Merry Christmas!
Look at these two adorable little boys exploring their Christmas haven at their foster home. Wouldn’t it be nice if they got to wake up in their new and forever home on Christmas morning? They are so hoping to meet their new family in time for Christmas! Email to request an adoption application for King and Brady. [email protected]. A perfect pair 💕 
Mack & Ace had a lot of fun playtime with resident foster Kiera for a quick stay before getting adopted. Isn't it great to see these babies having so much fun? 💙💜
Here are Shadow & Mojo enjoying some family time (and fetch time) in their new yard. We know these two couldn't be happier!!
Tremendous thank-you to their foster Donna who pampered and played and walked this sweet pair for months until their perfect family came along. 🧡
HELP!!! We posted months ago for this pair whose senior mama had to move. The house is now being sold and she cannot care for her beloved dogs any longer. We are desperate to keep them together. PLEASE SHARE so we can find an adopter for this sweet pair. PLEASE SHARE. If interested in adopting and can give them a great home, please email [email protected] and tell us about your setting for them. ** Arizona Only ** They need some space, a yard ... not a condo or apartment, etc.
Saturday, a pretty girl named Piper (Giant Schnauzer mix) came to meet our Beautiful Baby Boy Baxter (Giant Schnauzer 8-mo old puppy), and BINGO! They did great at the foster home for the meet & greet, so we took him to his new home, and look what happened .........
This is why we wait for just the right home, and settle for no less. We're in it for the dogs. 💜💜💜💜
Baxter's new family photo will be posted shortly, but I just had to share this video which makes me smile from ear to ear. Even happy tears. This big puppy who did not have the nicest past now has his dream home, a fabulous furry sister, and a family of humans who will love him and treat him kindly.
HUGE THANK YOU to the fosters who spent time with Baxter. He had a few quick stays at four different places, but within two weeks he found his home and is now set for life.🧡
Also, a BIG BIG thank you to everyone who shared his posts and prayed for a good home for him. We got it! 🧡 We appreciate all the shares and prayers .... 🧡
Baxter loves to play 😊. Sweet big baby boy with loads of every. ❤️❤️. ****** NEEDS AN IMMEDIATE FOSTER *** DO YOU HAVE TIME TO PLAY WITH HIM? WALK OR RUN HIM (mornings, nice weather), ARE YOU HOME A LOT, DO YOU HAVE A YARD? No small dogs, no small kids .. he is big and clumsy -- 9 month old puppy. DO YOU HAVE PATIENCE AND LOVE? BAXTER NEEDS AN IMMEDIATE FOSTER (or foster-to-adopt setting). [email protected] -- please email. ARIZONA - PHOENIX METRO AREA.