We wanted to thank all of you for your donations for the Pasadena Humane Society. Courtney and I drove down on Monday and met their volunteers to unload your donations. Almost immediately on arriving, a team of firemen took many of the carriers that were donated as they were headed back to the fire zone and needed them on the truck for any animals that they encountered on their next shift. You could see the look of gratitude on the faces of the other volunteers when they learned that we drove down from SLO county to donate the supplies. It definitely energized their efforts and helped them in supporting their community. We are so fortunate that our area has been spared this type of devastation as their struggle could easily be ours in the coming years. Our hearts are full of gratitude to share this community with all of you and to see the outpouring of support. Thanks again to all!
Dr Ehlinger and the Team at Main Street