Rudolph aka Rudy is now neutered vaccinated, heartworm negative on prevention and House trained. He is fostered in a home with other dogs and cats and doing well. He is a very sweet boy who is available for adoption.  He was an unclaimed stray at the shelter. We believe he is a lhasa poodle mix.  He is approximately two years old and 12 pounds . You can apply for him on the website, if interested, he is fostered near Cabot Arkansas.
Adopt Sam
Sam is 13 pounds, 2 years old. She gets along great with other dogs. She loves her foster mom however she can be startled and afraid by men. We do not know why. She was one of the Hot Springs 13. She is fully vetted and potty trained. She would do best in a home who is able to invest in some training for this or a home with a single woman, please share as she has been Rescue for several months. Fostered in Little Rock.
For anyone who remembers Legend who was picked up stray with a muddy cast, and then taken to the Pine Bluff animal shelter where it was determined he had multiple fractures in his leg, enjoy this.
Thanks to countless volunteers, donations, and Dr. Sharp for saving this baby and his leg. He is now known as Teddy in his forever home. 💙 #volunteersmakeadifference #makesmehappy #standardpoodle #rescuedoges
Adoptable! Pepper is in foster care waiting for his forever person to apply to adopt him 💙
4 out of 9 of Mandy’s puppies are still looking for forever homes. Mandy the red standard had puppies 8 days after arriving in rescue. (DOB 7/31/24) We do not know who dad is. Pups are vaccinated, dew claws removed, natural tails, microchipped, eating on their own and house training. Please apply to adopt on the website or read more here
Does everyone remember Shadow? she was found on the streets of Little Rock eating garbage to survive. The good Samaritan who found her started taking all this matted filth off to free her. Underneath all that she was only 6 pounds. She went directly to our vet. tested positive for heartworm and was diagnosed with low grade heart murmur. We treated her for the heartworms and she is on meds for the murmur.
Between the volunteers who rescued her, transported her, the vet care, applications processed, foster homes, all in all it probably took 15 people to rescue ONE dog. If you want to help there’s a spot you can fill! Don’t say you can’t help because you can’t foster.
These are some pictures from the day she was found and some current ones in her forever home where she is now known as Stella Queen of the Castle. Happy tails little one💞 #rescuedog #adoptdontshop #charity# #volunteers
This is Shadow, one of the four that we took in a few weeks back. She weighs 9 pounds and she has started heartworm treatment. Her coat was completely matted to the bones and she had to be stripped . Her second injection is on 10th of August. She is house trained and very sweet. She is obviously some sort of poodle terrier or poodle Maltese mix. We just aren’t sure, she was stray in Little Rock, eating garbage off the streets. No chip, collar or tags.  The Finder contacted us after they could not locate the owner. Our vet thinks she is about four years old.