Bernedoodle puppies for adoption in Texas, TX

Bernedoodle puppies for adoption in Texas, TX All our puppies are raised in a caring environment with all the love and attention needed

Midge is 4 pound 7 ounces at 5 weeks. She is still looking for her family to go. Midge is available.

Midge is 4 pound 7 ounces at 5 weeks. She is still looking for her family to go. Midge is available.

Ken is 4 pounds, 1 ounce and 5 weeks. He is moving up to Seattle with his awesome family AND he has a big bernedoodle br...

Ken is 4 pounds, 1 ounce and 5 weeks. He is moving up to Seattle with his awesome family AND he has a big bernedoodle brother named Karl

Allan is our biggest Rey puppy at 4 pounds, 9 ounces. He's still looking for his family. Such a cute guy!!!

Allan is our biggest Rey puppy at 4 pounds, 9 ounces. He's still looking for his family. Such a cute guy!!!

Franklin, 5 weeks. He always looks so serious with this big ol' eyebrows, but he's a cute laid back guy. He is still loo...

Franklin, 5 weeks. He always looks so serious with this big ol' eyebrows, but he's a cute laid back guy. He is still looking for his family.

Snoopy, 5 weeks. Snoopy loves his toys and often sleeps with them. Snoopy is still looking for his family.

Snoopy, 5 weeks. Snoopy loves his toys and often sleeps with them. Snoopy is still looking for his family.

Linus at 5 weeks. He's still our biggest boy and a total sweetheart! Linus is available.

Linus at 5 weeks. He's still our biggest boy and a total sweetheart! Linus is available.

Violet 5 weeks. It started raining during her photos but it didn't even phase her.She's so cute! Violet is available.

Violet 5 weeks. It started raining during her photos but it didn't even phase her.She's so cute! Violet is available.

Charlie Brown, professional cuddler. He is looking for a family

Charlie Brown, professional cuddler. He is looking for a family

Little Lucy! She’s such a fun girl. Always up for exploring new things! Lucy is available.

Little Lucy! She’s such a fun girl. Always up for exploring new things! Lucy is available.

Woodstock's 5 week old photos. He's got the most beautiful color coat! Woodstock is available.

Woodstock's 5 week old photos. He's got the most beautiful color coat! Woodstock is available.

New Year ! New puppy !! She’s available and looking for her New Family!! Pm us for details!!!

New Year ! New puppy !! She’s available and looking for her New Family!! Pm us for details!!!


Our Goldendoodles are getting just even more adorable as weeks go on.

Our Goldendoodles are getting just even more adorable as weeks go on.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie, our tiniest girls. 6 weeks old.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie, our tiniest girls. 6 weeks old.

Little Gouda found her family! I can't get over how much she looks like a different animal. Seriously adorable!! And hug...

Little Gouda found her family! I can't get over how much she looks like a different animal. Seriously adorable!! And huge thank you to all of our adorable little puppy socializers!

The babies had a super fun field trip with a long car ride today!! They rocked it!

The babies had a super fun field trip with a long car ride today!! They rocked it!



3020 110th Street N
Texas City, TX


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