Mom ADOPTED on 09/01/2023. Five puppies adopted between 08/26 to 08/29/2023. One puppy passed while in shelter care.
Mom: ID #53680909; Female Unaltered DH115
Pit Bull Terrier mix 3 years old 45 pounds
Puppies: ID #53680929, 53680935, 53681031,
53681047, 53681060, 53681073;
All 7 days old 4 Male/2 Female
Per AAS Update (7/19), “still in need. Another pup passed, all others look healthy. Rescue/Foster needed ASAP as the shelter is at capacity”.
Per AAS Update, “Update: Mom eating & drinking well, emaciated. Loose stool. F***l positive for hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms. Mom and puppies treated per shelter protocol.
CORRECTION: Five puppies, one found deceased.”
Per AAS, “RESCUE ONLY. Mom and six unweaned puppies. Need to move to rescue as soon as possible”.
1. Amy Norris $40
2. Helle Calhoun $15
3. Soria Adibi $10
4. Kim Butler $25
5. Lea Ann Drake $25
7. Patricia Grasse $20
8. Connie Collins $50
** If you are interested in fostering please contact us at [email protected], we will connect you to a rescue partner.
EMAIL: [email protected]
AAS Approved Rescue Groups that have a 501c3 may rescue animals without cost.
*Please note that all pledges on the animals goes only to the rescue groups who tag that animal.