This was posted on another page and may help those of you who find a kitten(s). šāā¬š±Most shelters and rescues are full and get messages daily about kittens.
Everyone is finding little kittens riddled with fleas. If kittens are under 2 pounds, we donāt do anything for fleas but a bath in Dawn. But please do so, especially if their gums are turning white. Otherwise, chemicals are too toxic for them if not at 2 lbs.
However if you find a kitten that is lethargic, please give it a tad of karo syrup immediately and then a few more times an hour to get its blood sugar back up and keep it on a heating source before you give it a bath. Because no matter how warm or lukewarm your water is that you are bathing it in, a bath will drop their body temperature just a tad and that might be all it takes to slip over the rainbow bridge.
Kittens with goopy eyes should be cleaned with warm water and given terramycin ointment in their eyes 3 times a day. You can find it at Tractor Supply.
We can all do our part to help. Because most likely when you find one it will take days to find someone to help you with it and what you do for it in those couple of days could mean life or death. And please DO NOT GIVE IT COWS MILK.
If it won't eat canned kitten food, you can give it chicken flavored baby food or kitten formula depending on age.
If you find a litter of kittens under 3-4 weeks of age, leave them alone! If they are quiet and healthy they have a mama. If they are sick and screaming, most likely they donāt. Know when to intervene and when not too.
Please note there is a clean scent Dawn in almost the exact same bottle that is not at all animal friendly!!