Rachel's Poop N' Scoop & Other Services

Rachel's Poop N' Scoop & Other Services I own a p**p n' scoop service. I do offer a number of other services as well. If you don't like to s


Good early evening Grand Forks. Been waiting a while to do this but I am in the position of needing/wanting help. What it is I do is make the residential folks in this town happy. My company helps out the residents of Grand Forks County and East Grand Forks, MN by helping them out with their backyard land mines and even help with basic lawn services when they ask about them or I mention them.

The person I am looking for will be willing to pick up dog poo with a rake and P**p scooper. It is not at all hard. Think about it, you will be paid for working outside (getting a tan, getting your exercise in and enjoying the outdoors).

My expectations will include honesty, integrity, punctual, professionally dressed, being respectful to everyone and a number of other things. Due to the nature of my business, you may want to have a truck or car/SUV with a carrier. You will need a valid driver's license, valid insurance and proof that you are legally allowed to work in the U.S. And you do need to be at least 18 years of age.

My company is an EOE. Personally, I am a disabled U.S. Army Veteran. I worked hard to start my business back in 2017 and will always work hard to keep it going and growing. Please get in touch through my website iCleanUpGF.com, my email [email protected] or call or text 701-740-1221.


Hey there Grand Forks and Thompson, ND!!!! Thompson is having their Thompson Days this week and weekend. I will be a part of the parade on Saturday morning and a vendor over at Southbrook Park after the parade. Come by and see me. I still have spots for p**p cleanup, basic lawn care and yard cleanups. My company services Thompson. Grand Forks and the rest of Grand Forks County. But Come to Thompson Days to enjoy everything they are offering. And it looks like they have A LOT going on this weekend.


Australians have found a solution to making road markings more visible at night. They want to paint them in 'photoluminescent paint', similar to that on the hands of some watches.

More details/photos: http://bit.ly/3jJyA3R


Morning. Well, I guess it is now good afternoon. Yesterday was Circle of Friends/Crary annual hot dogs for homeless dogs event. I was there but did not have booth. This event just came up on me too fast this year. However, I was there walking around with my scooper. I donated money to eat 2 cheese dogs on a bun, 2 plain dogs without a bun, 2 waters and a cherry coke zero sugar. So plenty of folks recognized me and said hi or there's "The P**p Lady". And that is just fine with me.

Next year, I will have a booth at this event and I will still be walking around with my Scoop.

There are still a few events that are happening this summer and look out, while walking around, for my booth and MAYBE me walking around with my Scoop.

Love and thank everyone out there. If it weren't for you folks, I would not have a business. Six years now and still going strong. Remember, I am the ONLY female owned dog p**p and basic lawn care business out there. But, unfortunately, I do feel that because I am a VETERAN female owned business, I lose out on MANY opportunities to expand (versus the male dominated lawn care services). What do you think?🥰😒


Hey everyone. I have been busy with poo pickup and basic lawn care. And I have been doing yard cleanups in between. Presently I have my primary AND my secondary push mowers at the repair shop. Go figure, I have to bring out my 2ND secondary push mower tomorrow.

Just thought I would put it out there for y'all..... still accepting clients for poo pickup and/or basic lawn care. Remember, I do give 20% discounts for all military, seniors and first responders. You just gotta ask cause I honestly don't always remember.

A little additional information for y'all. I was in the Army 23 years ago, I am well educated and I have 27 years of cleaning experience. In May 2017, I officially began my business and never looked back. If it weren't for all y'all, I wouldn't be in business anymore. So THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Thank you everyone for stopping by my garage sale yesterday. It was pretty successful but I still have items left over. ...

Thank you everyone for stopping by my garage sale yesterday. It was pretty successful but I still have items left over. I won't be having the garage sale today as I previously stated but I would like to get the rest of the items sold. Nothing over $50.


What was life like before the convenience of Amazon Prime?! Gone are the days of waiting weeks and even months for your packages to arrive. You can simply place an order on Amazon Prime, and receive your package the very next day. Our front porch is decorated with Amazon Prime parcels on a very regu...


The Picture of the Century. Nature Defeats Technology.


I am in need of some electrical help. Trying to figure out what company in the GF area can help without charging me my arm, leg, spleen and stool sample. ANYONE OUT THERE THAT HAS FAIR PRICES?


Hello. How is everyone doing? Spring cleanups are done for 2023. These days, my business is all about getting those yards cleaned up (picking up poo and basic lawn care) and doing it weekly. I still have spots for East Grand Forks folks. That is for poo pickup and/or basic lawn care. I already have a few EGF clients and would love to add more. So for any EGF folks, get a hold of me and we can go from there.


Her name was Kaitie Leising.

She was 29 years old, a new mother and a beloved member of her community. She was a St. Croix County sheriff's deputy. She stepped up and stood between those who would do harm and the innocent.

Deputy Leising lost her life Saturday, shot and killed by a suspected drunken driver in a rural area of Wisconsin just a little more than an hour east of Ramsey County.

As we mourn the crushing loss of life and honor her service, we think about her family, her colleagues with the St. Croix County Sheriff's Office and the community members she kept safe. We also think about all the men and women continuing to step up, waking up each day, putting on the uniforms, putting themselves at risk for the sake of others.

It is still a noble and needed profession.

Thank you all for what you do. And thank you, Deputy Leising, for your life of service. Godspeed.


Well, I waited for 2 hours at the corner of 13th Ave S and Columbia. A mother duck and her 10 ducklings were waiting for the right time to cross the road from Caribou Coffee to Altru. They made the attempt once without success. And I was not going to abandon them and feel crappy not knowing if they made it or not. So they started into the intersection and I stopped what traffic needed to be stopped. I got honked at and sweared at but I did not care. And I would do it all over again. And, YES, I did call all of the appropriate authorities and they told me to leave them be. No thank you.


Waiting for the street lights to come on.


"To everyone complaining about Texas Roadhouse allowing that dog who was deployed twice, to eat a steak in the restaurant on Veterans Day, I'd rather sit next to him than rowdy, bratty kids all day long. I can guarantee that dog is cleaner and more quiet. He isn’t up being allowed to run around like he (and his parents) were raised in a barn!"


wow! (via Kitchn Fun with my 3 sons)


Good morning folks!! Yesterday ended up being a REALLY nice day and I had no idea the temps were going to reach 80 in GF. So, of course, I wore jeans. Holy cow was that a bad idea. They were sticking to me by the end of the day. I am thinking of wearing shorts today but maybe a hoodie on top to split the difference. Can't tan my legs wearing jeans....and they are white.

Second funny of the day. One of the folks I cleaned a yard for, recently, apparently went on GF Swap and Shop and ended seeing a post from my competitor. This person asked if "they was licensed and bonded". They never got a response and ended up being blocked. As I see it, if the person advertising their services on social media are proud of what they do and are doing it the correct way, I would be answering folks with the true and honest answer. And I sure wouldn't be blocking anyone that is interested in my services.

I'm sorry. I thought that was funny.


Brian Reybok. Get a hold of me again please.


Good morning everyone! I truly appreciate everyone sticking by me as I have begun getting spring cleanups going. Unfortunately, I now have to defend my honesty, loyalty, integrity and such, even more.

There is a recent client that is now discrediting me and my business as well. She did ask me to come and clean up her very small kennel but the amount of MUD, snow and ice made it very difficult to do. I got what I could get between the time I had (12 bags of poo). She did pay me for half of the job up front but I never cashed or deposited the money order. However, I had to deposit the money and order and I got a new one to give back to her. She gave a different name on my voicemail so that is the name I put on her money order.

Now that I have seen her post (cause I blocked her for spam messaging me), I will be more than happy to right this wrong and move on. "Some one" did finish the job and I told her "good for them".

And we ALL know who that "someone" is.


Okay everyone. If you are already on my spring cleanup list, I am officially starting tomorrow (April 26). Can't wait for this weather anymore. It is a fairly long list and I will be going from top to bottom. I will try to give everyone a heads up before I come your way. But I do tend to forget and just keeping moving forward. So, I apologize, in advance, if I catch anyone off guard. With everyone's yards being dry all at the same time, if you happen to get your yard clean before I can get there, please just let me know. I will completely understand.


A father with his daughter when he graduated and when she graduated.


First and foremost, thank you for everyone who has signed up. I have already begun cleaning yards and will continue to do so. Unfortunately, I am going to have to close down the list. There are no more openings. Whoever has gotten a hold of me up to tonight (April 18), I can still put you on the list. But to be honest, the list isn't small so I will get to you ASAP.

Even though I am done with spring cleanups, I am always available for weekly cleanups through to the fall. And I also do basic lawn care through to the fall. But I do not do snow removal anymore.

So again, thank you to everyone. I will be doing spring cleanups every year for quite some time so I look forward to hearing from everyone again next spring. In fact, if you would like to be put on the list for next year already, just let me know.

Rachel Rakoczy, Owner


Good morning everyone. I wasn't planning on posting anything today but I received some news from one of my loyal clients this morning. First and foremost, I DO WELCOME ANYONE WHO IS LOOKING TO GET INTO THE BUSINESS I STARTED 6 YEARS AGO. I do not talk negative about anyone and remain professional during my hours of business and even my time off.

Unfortunately, I have now learned that there is someone out there trying to discredit my business and getting in touch with my clients and asking questions such as "Is she cleaning up your yard. How much is she charging you? When did she say she would be by to clean?"

I am 100% up front with everyone who gets a hold of me. If anyone has any questions about what I do, how much I charge, why I charge what I do, etc. You are always free to ask and I will never discredit someone else. However, I take it personally and as an attack on my business that I have worked very hard to establish here in GF and the surrounding areas.

Thank you to everyone who has used my services in the past, the present and most definitely in the future. And thank you for all that have served in the military (past, present and future).

*** I do not typically clean your yards when it is still wet and muddy because walking around in boots will just ruin your yards. I have been getting that question lately.


Hello everyone. I do more talking during the spring cleanups for some reason. I suppose it is because I want to make sure everyone is always up to date with how and why I do what I do.

When I receive messages from folks from all the directions I put out there, I do ask for how many dogs, what breeds? What is your address, phone number? First and last name?

I do this to get as much information as possible so I do not have to keep bothering you for the information. The phone number is so that I can contact you easier when I am going to be heading for your house fairly soon. Sometimes I can get to you earlier than what you are already set for.

The prices I give you are for the number of dogs and the size of the dogs. But the price also includes my fuel costs, my time to clean, the trash bag(s) cost and taking the poo with me and throwing it away somewhere else.

And I also want folks to know that I do have military, student and senior discounts for 10%. Mind you, I don't always remember to say anything about the discounts so it is truly up to you to ask. Afterall, I am a FEMALE MILITARY VETERAN and I was once a student as well.

My business is fully licensed with the state and fully insured. I want to thank you folks that read this whole post and if you could please LIKE and SHARE it, I would appreciate it.

*** I also do basic lawn care (mow, edge, mulch/bag). And weekly poo cleanups.


Morning everyone. I have definitely begun to take names down on the list. I am planning on starting cleanups on Tuesday, April 18. That should give the snow and rain a chance to dry up a little bit more. That being said, the days it does end up raining, I will not be out there to clean up. But I will be out as much as possible to get everyone done in a timely manner. Thank you, everyone, for your understanding and patience!!! Rachel Rakoczy😁


our troops. ♥


First & last day on the job ❤️🥺🙏


SPRING CLEANUPS!!! Hey everyone. I am still adding folks to the list. The list is growing and look forward to adding to it. Hoping the snow is done now, I am looking at maybe a week and a half out to start cleanups. Prices are $100 minimum for small dogs and $200 minimum for medium/large dogs. I also have gift certificates for those who need them... a lot of folks moved this winter. 701-740-1221, [email protected], ICleanUpGF.com or thru Facebook/Messenger.


Family photo❤



Hello everyone. First thing....my laptop took a crap (pun intended) yesterday morning. And my laptop was my only way to get into my FB chats and such. Geek Squad is working on it. Second thing....this weather is simply mocking me and making my job VERY difficult. I can handle the snow melt and wind. Unfortunately, this rain is beginning to make it look like I can't do my job and clean up poo. Well...... it is making my job ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE. For the clients that I have had before this winter, y'all know I get there and do what I can. But for all y'all clients that I picked up during the spring cleanups and gave you my word that I'd be there to clean up and even mow, I am truly stressed out that you have lost faith in me. Therefore I am still giving you my word (I am, and will always be, ol' fashioned in that way), that I HAVE NOT forgotten about you and will TRY to get back out to you next week (between rain storms). Please believe me when I say that I am "chomping at the bit" to clean your yard. This spring has TRULY been the HARDEST since I began my business. All I ask is that all y'all stay patient and stick with me. Any questions, comments, concerns and whatever else....please don't hesitate. 701-740-1221, [email protected]. Call, text or email. Let me know.


I would like to thank everyone that has gotten a hold of me the last 2 weeks for the service my business provides. There is still a list of folks I need to get to and the weather this past week made cleanups really difficult. For the folks that I still need to cleanup, I sincerely thank all y'all for understanding. The weather isn't looking good again but I will be out there cleaning. Had to take a break this weekend but hitting the ground running again tomorrow. For those who have been able to cleanup their own yards, I apologize but thank you for letting me know. And if more of you end up doing the same, please let me know. I also do weekly cleanups and mowing when the weather gets better and stays better. But for now, hope you had a good weekend and see y'all this week.



324 6th Street
Thompson, ND

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 7pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm




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