Meet little miss Monica a 6 month old bully mix. She is enjoying her time out of her kennel at the front desk. She is working on training as well and has mastered sit and is almost there with lay down. She is a sweet puppy who has been searching for her forever family for 147 days now.
Curly and Larry 19 week old male Weimaraner mix puppies are still looking for homes. They are amazing puppies that love to play and get attention.
Digit's resilience shines after his amputation! He's thriving, retaining two toes, and has fully recovered with all stitches removed. Now, he's eager to find a forever home where love awaits. Visit him anytime during open hours. Applications can be filled out on our website or in person at the shelter.
Georgie a Quaker parrot came to us after his owner passed away and the family could not care for him. He is believed to be male and older but unsure of age. He is a bit standoffish at first but become extremely loving and cuddly once he warms up. He does not like children and would be best for an adult only household. With him being old he does have a bit of arthritis in his right ankle but that doesn’t seem to hold him back much. Previous bird experience is required to adopt Georgie. Applications can be filled out on our website or in person at the shelter.
Update: he has been adopted.
Izzy is a cockatiel. The old owners believed that he was a male around 3 years old. He likes to whistle and we were told he likes to learn new songs. He will need extra time and care to get comfortable with people. We do require adopters to have previous bird experience to adopt. Applications can be filled out on our websight or in person at the shelter.
UPDATE: she has been adopted.
Lola is a Meyer parrot. We were told she is around 15 years old. We were told she does talk occasionally and as you can see she dances. She will need extra time and care to get comfortable with people. We do require adopters to have previous bird experience to adopt. Applications can be filled out on our websight or in person at the shelter.
We're thrilled to report that Digit is doing well after his double toe amputation - he's still playful and affectionate. As long as his healing continues, he'll be spared from further amputations, a blessing made possible by the generosity of donors who supported his treatment.
Meet Digit, a resilient little kitten who's already stolen our hearts! Despite a foot injury requiring partial amputation, he remains a shining example of courage and affection. Let's rally together to give this sweet boy the care he deserves!
Tucker is waiting for a home.
Both of tuckers siblings have been adopted and he is waiting for his turn. He is a 22 week old male Aussie mix. He is extremely friendly and loves attention and walks.
Anarchy is looking for a home.
Anarchy is a 14 week old male pit puppy. He and his sister had a hard start in life and came to us underweight, he is now almost 20 pounds. With his sister recently finding a home he is all alone at the shelter and waiting for his turn. He is a sweet, loving, playful, cuddle bug who can’t wait to find a family to shower him with all the love and attention he deserves. If you’re interested in adopting Anarchy you can fill out an application on our website or in person at the shelter.