Pancho is a 7 lb male chihuahua who is about 8 years old. He is extremely quiet, sweet and very intelligent. He is very good with dogs and cats but also likes to live in a quieter environment. He lived his whole life in an apartment therefore he is p*e pad trained but also uses doggy door if it needed. He sleeps at night in his crate and uses it also as a safety shelter when he wants to take a break from a hectic day!
All Pancho wants is to cuddle in your lap and snuggle with you in bed.
He never had a collar or harness and still is not a fan and he doesn’t need to go for a walk.
He will need a patient adopter who is willing to give him the time he needs to trust; but once he does, you become his whole world. However, as much as he loves his human, he doesn’t like to be picked up. Adoption fee is 100.00.