K9 Citizens pet training

K9 Citizens pet training Dog Training Programs. As Well as Certified Trick Trainer, Canine Conditioner, Table Work and Judge The goal is to make better citizens of your neighborhood.

K9 Citizens pet training offers programs to train owners and pets. The programs offer reward training. My background is different than most trainers. Most clubs and trainers offer the normal sit,stay and things for show. Which is good, but not what normal people use every day. In my past and present my goal is to create the dog you live with at home doing what it is told to do. Most training progr

ams don’t offer that. You want the dog that comes when called, stays off the counter top, and a pleasant walk with you. I help people live with the dog they fell in love with. Just because you have a problem dog, does not mean you have to live with that way. I have acquired my skills from various different directions. I also attend new types of training seminars and compete in shows. My jobs have or are pet related. I show my dogs. I still believe they must behave in the home. My private training offer home living. You want to live with a happy well behaved dog and that means you have to be the leader of the house. The Class training offers both the basic and home living. The Home Training program is based on what you and K9 Citizens decides
Don’t live with a dog that is in charge, or a dog you can't stand. You need to be happy with your dog. That is where I can help you. Making your dog a better citizen of house and neighborhood
I have worked with groups, organizations and private lessons. This is just part of what has helped train my background. Call or Email to get more information how this program can help you have the dog you want. Don’t live with the dog you
don’t want. They are never too young or old. Thank you for checking into K9 Citizens Training. Martin


Oh no you say that puppy is crazy. it is out of control. It’s not what you thought it should. Well you need to help it. after all it didn’t come with a owners manuel. It doesn’t Speak your language. It’s time to sign up for our classes. We make a difference in helping you understand the errors of your way. mondays at 7 pm our classes make a difference because we understand you need a dog that gets what your say.
pm here
419-494-5064 text
[email protected] to sign up 


it beautiful day in florida. Now most of you would be coming here for a vacation. Not me i am here to see a great friend and get a new dog. You might think i am crazy but that normal for me. Lanie is going to be in. project as is this new dog. i can wait the adventure has begun.


No classes till Thursday.,sorry but I needed a little time off. I am in Florida picking up a new dog .
I am thankful to all of you understanding.


New classes starting On Mondays at 7 pm
Trick and exercise class
This is to teach trick and useful jobs. Some tricks take longer. Make a difference in your dogs behavior as well.
Mondays 8 pm
Beginner obedience. Our program is designed to help the dog that you need help with to the out of control dog. We change the program per the dogs. We have in the class the ability to change. Most classes by others are set in stone. Your problems are addressed. Plus we have smaller classes so you get attention
Pm/ email [email protected]
Or text 419-494-5064


who want to come to training tonight? 6-8 i am planning on all that want the obedience classes can come. it is great to get for the dogs getting to know other dog.
i am sorry about the other nights but it wasn’t safe for the dogs or people


No classes to night due to by the tonight due to the cold
i am planning thursday 6-8pm you come when you want i will have fun things to do. i have a better chance to get the heat up.
all of you are invited to work. This helps all dogs meet other dogs


if it doesn’t get warmer. you might need to stay home. The building doesn’t warm up fast enough for the first class. i don’t anyone sick. you can come on tuesday at your same time it looks to be warm


Ok When the weather is bad, If schools and businesses close. Stay home and keep the dog safe. I will make up the days so please don't worry about that. But you can still practice.


Happy New Year to all my Dig show friends and all my favorite clients and their dogs. i look forward to changes to help your dogs learn more. Remember they can teach and train you. I will be glad to fix those problems as understand each other is rewarding. See you all soon


New Classes start January 8th.
Home-style obedience
Tricks and condition
Ongoing classes for advanced and ongoing
The surprising benefits of training and enjoyable
Evening Classes
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Call now to connect with business.

Thank You to the Dogs and owners that attended the Howloween party.The dogs were excited and went home tired. i seen smi...

Thank You to the Dogs and owners that attended the Howloween party.The dogs were excited and went home tired. i seen smiles on all so i know it was fun.
if you missed it the next party will be the winter Holiday party. i will work on dates soon. As those that came last seen that setups was was themed Howloween.
so you time to plan for the next one.
Thank you to all the clients your the best.


Don’t forget the Howloween party thursday at 7 pm. no Costumes are needed.prizes for fun stuff. the dogs have been waiting for this party


Don’t forget Halloween Party for the dogs and owners. we have prizes this year. costumes optional for the pets.
starts at 7pm Thursday. kids are welcome. All past and current clients are welcome. We will have a Howling good time.
just a fun night for all. You might even want pictures as we now have cool back drops for photos . This is one of them

What a great event. Patty did a super job. Her team of workers had done the impossible. As always meeting other trainers...

What a great event. Patty did a super job. Her team of workers had done the impossible. As always meeting other trainers is awesome . It ran smooth . I know it recharged my batteries .

Why would you ever think about training your dog? With us you learn how to communicate with each other and it been known...

Why would you ever think about training your dog?
With us you learn how to communicate with each other and it been known to help families as well.
Because your extended families and friends stopped coming over to visit. It possible the out of control dog.
You favorite things are now a chewed up piece of some bloop.
What about that special dinner your making. Then find the dog enjoying it.
Because your vet says your dog needs drugs to come in for shoots.

Are you getting the point. You dog runs the house and, you are someone that pays them.
It time to fix it.
Classes. Monday 7:30 Thursday 6 pm
Let’s start there. As the others advancing to new levels
Why are we different? We don’t teach like other trainers. We deal with the real problems. We train for dogs living at your home. That is not what other trainers.do, We have more ways to train then most trainers. Example a retriever doesn’t think like a terrier. So training this gives you options. Again most trainers only train one way.
We also limit the size of classes. One trainer can teach bigger classes. However a smart trainer works to help to solve more problems
If your not sure what a trainers like go watch a class. My doors are open. You learn more in a limited size class then a larger class.
See the difference and visit us. We welcome you and your dog.
Pm here
[email protected]
419-494-5064 leave a message

What now? Well your pet needs to lose weight the doctors says to you. You notice the dog is sleeping more. You are notic...

What now? Well your pet needs to lose weight the doctors says to you. You notice the dog is sleeping more. You are noticing your vet has added joint support to your dog care.
You might say hey my dog needs exercise. You are clearly ahead of the game. I am hear to help Wednesdays at 8 pm Condition and trick class.
Now why tricks? Most dog training is basically tricks. Therefore conditioning can be fun for all. In other words those exercise ball you just had to have, the treadmill that is a clothing rack now. I can show you how to help keep you dog younger.
A side note we are working with Andy’s Army Cancer program to help dogs stay healthier. Are you going to sit there or get up and take a class to help your dog. Side affects your dog will love it and you will feel better. You vets will love it win win and win
Let start a new trend
Wed at 8
Pm here
Mleegold@Gmail. Com
419-494-5064 leave a message

Times flying and vets are calling. Why because your dogs are unruly. They are not happy. It your fault. But we can help....

Times flying and vets are calling. Why because your dogs are unruly. They are not happy. It your fault. But we can help.
It is now more important to train your dogs. Every single dog needs training. Have you been told your dog needs drugs to come in. This is because you never did anything or socialize your dogs.
Now I am embarking on a new adventure. To help you all get more the dogs. I have even added another company to help you if I can’t. Like me we don’t abuse or shock the dogs. We actually help you train your dog.
My point you broke the dog , you have to learn to fix. Because if you don’t you will always have issues.
If you believe me as your vets if they have to give drugs just to get the dogs in.
So are you going to live with a druggy or a dog you love me.
Pm here
[email protected]
419-494-5064 leave a message

Why is our training different? Because most classes are show-based. Ours are home obedience. Meaning we address problems...

Why is our training different? Because most classes are show-based. Ours are home obedience. Meaning we address problems. We also have various ways to train. One method does not fix problems. IT just sugarcoats it. We are here for you. Come and find out why we are different?
We limit classes to help you get real problems. Starting now
419-494-5064 leave a message or text.
[email protected]


Hello all
As some know I like to give back. I support Andy army cancer. As I have lost a few dogs to cancer. This program is all about helping canine cancer. You can follow them. I will be working on a huge new project that will have them in it. So stay tuned this is why we are one of the trainers in the regional that care. We bring you more knowledge. Join us for more adventures like these and more.


Halloween is almost here. I am having a howlloween party. With a new twist. Who is in . Plus a big announcement to be there as well oct thur 19 start at 7 pm
Fun for all dogs and humans. Come and have fun.


New classes
Fall is here, and those dogs need training. You can complain about the dog. However, it takes the family to change the dog's behavior as you caused the problem.
Find out why clients love our training. We limit the size of each class. We want you to learn more. It shows that our clients' dogs learn more. We address things most classes never touch.
Monday through Thursday. Don't miss the new Classes


New Classes
Monday 7:30 Pm Beginner obedience and tricks
Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Puppy Obedience and tricks
Wednesday 7:00 Pm confirmation
Wednesday 8: 00 PM Tricks and More
Thursday 6:00 p.m. Obedience and problems
Thursday 8:00 p.m. Exercise and tricks
419-494-5064 text. Don't miss what you need. We change the bad to good dogs. Why are you waiting


Why are my classes different? I don't like the way most trainers run classes. They use corrects. I help dogs make choices so they learn better. I include tricks, why tricks They give the dog a chance to learn in their own way. Also, most trainers have one way for most of what they teach, I have trained in many types of training. This opens the ability to help the dog without the negative ways of teaching. I have students that show, Put on promotions, fund-raising, and the family dog. All my dogs have to work around the house it helps them feel more like a family.
Mondays 7 30 for beginning level
Tuesday at 8 pm Beginning level
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Phone and text. I will respond faster by texting.

Let think about that puppy that growing like w**d. You know the one that took a sock was carrying it around. How about t...

Let think about that puppy that growing like w**d. You know the one that took a sock was carrying it around. How about that counter surfing one that took your favorite sandwich. Oh let not forget that crazy dog that has to drag you on the walk. Yes someday you might get that back to match your other one.
You have suffered enough. It time to put that chewed up remote and do something about it. After all your spouse said it goes or I go. Let hope it not that.
My point you let the dog get like this. It takes you to fix it as your the one that has to make the dog understand.
I know it hurts but we can help. I make it fun so you will enjoy having a dog that works for you and not against you
Pm here
Leave a message or text 419-494-5064 leave a message I am busy as life keeps everyone.
Mondays 7:30 Pm
Tuesday 8:00 pm


Why would you come to our programs? We offer very different classes and training. We look at what you really need.
Canine Good Citizens, Do more with your dog tricks, Home obedience, Confirmation for show dogs to ongoing training classes for the home type training. The main goal is to help those that need the help. Local Vets love our style as dogs learn to behave for the owners and the Vets. We also have classes so the whole family can come to learn., after all the dogs need your support.
[email protected]


The weather is hot and no fun for the dogs. Well, we have a great plan. A great place to train is the air conditioning for humans and pets. A lot of the owners are living with dogs that have not been trained. Let us help you learn how to make that. Dogs are more helpful and behave. When they come to training, they are out of control. When you train them with our help, you can have the dog you wanted. We have smaller classes. Which gives you more help that matters.
New Classes Mondays 7:30 PM Tuesday 8: 00 PM

[email protected]
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Are you ready? It time to get those out of control, wild minded dogs trained. There is one thing holding you back. It is you. You think we don’t know your pup has been calling us saying” they are trying to tell” but all we pups hear is Blah blah Balh. They say you keep making excuses for not bringing them to the coolest classes and getting them back to work.
Ball in your corner.
Leave a message or text 419-494-5064
Pm here
We won’t tell them you let them down by going to some boring place that doesn’t look at each breed as needing something different.
I will be glad to help you regain parenting skills.

Who’s up for class tonight? Can work on tuning up for breed ring. As it is show season time to work and condition that d...

Who’s up for class tonight? Can work on tuning up for breed ring. As it is show season time to work and condition that dogs.
Start at 7 pm


New class starting Thursday
8 at 6 pm working on basic obedience and helpful home problems solving. Don’t live with a problem dog. We show you how to improve your pet.
419-494-7099. Leave a message
[email protected]


7340 Central Avenue Unit F-1
Toledo, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 7pm - 9pm
Tuesday 7am - 9pm
Wednesday 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 7pm - 9pm




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