Are you one of those people who likes to look at gross things? Ore maybe you're one of those people who hates looking at gross things but still can't turn away? Then step right up and look in the microscope.
These are earmites in a cat's ear and are very common. While fun to look at under a microscope, they aren't so fun for your pets. Cats affected by ear mites will scratch at their ears and shake their heads to attempt to relieve their discomfort, and you may notice that their ears droop. Earmites can spread to other animals in the house.
This is why it's always good to bring your cat in for a visit if you notice them scratching so we can get their ears cleaned and prescribe medication to get rid of these pesky mites before it worsens, impacts their eardrum or spreads to other pets.
#Vetmediscoolandgross #peskymites