Vantage Point Farm, LLC

Vantage Point Farm, LLC Life always looks better from the back of a horse! We believe that horses create strong character, healthy kids and happy families.

Horseback riding lessons, training, sales

We have officially relocated to our new farm. Riding lessons will resume on September 9th.Your instructor will contact y...

We have officially relocated to our new farm. Riding lessons will resume on September 9th.
Your instructor will contact you with details and confirm appointment times.

We can’t wait to welcome everyone to our new home!

For anyone wanting to watch the livestream of the World’s Championship Horse Show, this, and only this, is the correct l...

For anyone wanting to watch the livestream of the World’s Championship Horse Show, this, and only this, is the correct link to sign up.

The 2023 World's Championship Horse Show will be live streaming on our website August 19-26. You will also be able to watch the recorded show afterwards.


Listen carefully…

It’s that time of year again…Don’t miss out on our annual Back to School Special on Riding Lessons!!This week only, sale...

It’s that time of year again…
Don’t miss out on our annual Back to School Special on Riding Lessons!!
This week only, sale ends Friday 8/16/24 at 6:00 p.m.

$500.00 for a package of 10 lessons! That’s a $100.00 discount off of individual lesson price!
Lesson packages are valid for one year from purchase date, no refunds.
Call or text your instructor soon to take advantage of this once a year opportunity!



WILL YOU BE SHOWING ACADEMY WITH US THIS YEAR? We will be introducing Academy Riders Friday evening as "Our industries future riders!"

Have you previously shown Academy at OIHS and showing again with us this year? We would like to recognize you 🤩

We would like to hear from you ⬇️
[email protected]

Here’s the NTASHA UPHA Fall Classic Horse Show schedule gang.Book your hotel room now!

Here’s the NTASHA UPHA Fall Classic Horse Show schedule gang.
Book your hotel room now!

VPF youngsters making the most of one last “Barn Rat Wednesday” together before the reality of school returns in a coupl...

VPF youngsters making the most of one last “Barn Rat Wednesday” together before the reality of school returns in a couple of weeks.
Am super proud of the growth/progress all of these girls have made this summer.

So many life lessons learned in the barn. When the rains continue to fall, dance in the rain. Adapt - be strong - make t...

So many life lessons learned in the barn. When the rains continue to fall, dance in the rain. Adapt - be strong - make the most of every day.

Summer Camp 2024 - VPF Style

Getting ready to kick off the show in Asheville. There is a livestream feed available on ever...

Getting ready to kick off the show in Asheville. There is a livestream feed available on
Wishing everyone the best of luck!

Richfield Video Productions is a privately owned and operated video production company based in Shelbyville, KY and established in 1982. Our primary focus is to expand the popularity of the American Saddlebred Horse through the production and distribution of video. It is our goal to capture Americ....

Make Them Carry Their SaddleA father of a darling girl and I were talking last week and he said that he wanted his daugh...

Make Them Carry Their Saddle

A father of a darling girl and I were talking last week and he said that he wanted his daughter to ride more and not have to do the work part of the catching, grooming, and saddling. I smiled as I explained.

Riding horses is a combination of strength, timing, and balance. Kids in this country are physically weak (unless they are actively involved with weight training and physical conditioning 4+ times a week.)

When you walk out to the field, you are clearing your stress from being under fluorescent lights all day; feeling the sun soak into your bones. As your body moves on uneven surfaces, it strengthens your legs and core.

When you groom your horse (especially currying), you are toning your arms and stabilizing your core.

When you carry your saddle, your arms, chest, and back are doing isolated strengthening work.

Being near horses, calms and makes you tune into the splendor of these empathetic animals.

When you ride at a posting trot, it’s equivalent to a slow jog calorie burn wise.

After a lesson, the riders are physically tired and mentally quiet and balanced.

Horses feel your heart beat and mirror your emotions back.

Riding large and somewhat unpredictable animals makes you resilient and pushes your expectations.

Working with horses is so much more than learning how to ride.

So parents, make your children carry their saddles. Don’t do the hard parts for them, as long term it actually hurts them. To advance with their riding, they must get stronger. You can help by doing the high parts.

I love having you all at the farm, and am so grateful to get to share these fascinating animals with you.

Hannah Campbell Zapletal

Settled in, set up and ready to roll in Asheville. Our horses (and we) are thoroughly enjoying the cooler weather. Looki...

Settled in, set up and ready to roll in Asheville. Our horses (and we) are thoroughly enjoying the cooler weather.
Looking forward to catching ip with all our Carolina friends.
Asheville Summer Fun Horse Show


It’s almost that time! Reserve your rooms now! You can always cancel up to the last day or so, but you can’t magically make space after everyone snags all the rooms! Remember it’s the AKC dog show weekend, too!


VPF continues to operate on generator power, but horses and people are fine.
Fingers crossed our power will be restored soon.

Just a glimpse of what  a Category 1 Hurricane can do in a short time. Many of you are fully aware how bad these storms ...

Just a glimpse of what a Category 1 Hurricane can do in a short time. Many of you are fully aware how bad these storms can be - and this one was mild.

We are good - house and barn are in one piece but LOTS of trees and power lines down in our area. Cleanup is going to take a while.
Please pray for those who weren’t so fortunate.

VPF Family and Friends, here’s the latest on the storm.We are prepared in every way possible and hope all of you are as ...

VPF Family and Friends, here’s the latest on the storm.
We are prepared in every way possible and hope all of you are as well.
Be safe Houston.

Well gang - we have been watching Beryl for over a week and as expected, this storm is going to make an appearance here ...

Well gang - we have been watching Beryl for over a week and as expected, this storm is going to make an appearance here soon.
Storm preparations on the farm began a while ago and have been escalated to phase 2 in the last 24 hours.

Due to the expected high winds and flooding rains on Monday, day one of Summer Camp Session 3 will be canceled and the session will begin on Tuesday. We will schedule a makeup day at the end of the month and look forward to meeting all our new campers Tuesday morning.

Get ready barn family - it’s going to get a little rocky for a couple of days.

So much respect for the horses and equestrians preparing to compete in Paris. Sure hope everyone will tune in to the equ...

So much respect for the horses and equestrians preparing to compete in Paris.
Sure hope everyone will tune in to the equestrian events at the 2024 Olympic Games.

Excitement is in the air!

An iconic venue, the Château de Versailles will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Originally a simple hunting lodge, the Château de Versailles welcomed the court of Louis XIV in 1682, becoming the epicenter of French royalty. It the first French site to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1979.

Temporary installations will allow the Paris 2024 events to be held in this exceptional setting. An arena with several stands will be installed at the Étoile Royale, an esplanade west of the Grand Canal. The eventing cross-country test will take place around the Grand Canal itself. Two bridges flying across the water have been built for this purpose.

Behind every equine athlete is a dedicated team of veterinarians, ensuring they are prepared and in peak condition. On site, a record number of vets (twice as many vets as doctors) will ensure the safety of our horses.

A full-fledged clinic, equipped with all the necessary technology has been built purportedly, including a laboratory and pharmacy.

Vets have undergone special training for the event, including joint drills with emergency teams to prepare for all kinds of incidents, including the extremely unlikely fall of a horse in the canal!

Strict biosecurity rules will be enforced prior to allowing the horses on site. Once cleared, horses will be housed in tents equipped with a natural air cooling system. They will be able to exercise and graze at leisure in the park.

As the area is protected, only natural products will be allowed to keep insects at bay and all waste will be collected during the event.


📸: paris2024


🐴 Aquí hay 15 hechos interesantes sobre el cerebro de un caballo:

1. El cerebro de un caballo es relativamente pequeño comparado con el tamaño de su cuerpo, y representa sólo alrededor del 0,1 % de su peso total.

2. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño, los caballos tienen cerebros muy complejos, con una corteza cerebral altamente desarrollada, la parte del cerebro responsable del pensamiento consciente, la toma de decisiones y la memoria.

3. Los caballos pueden aprender y recordar tareas complejas, como navegar por un curso de salto o realizar una rutina de doma, a través de un proceso llamado aprendizaje asociado.

4. Como los humanos, los caballos tienen un hemisferio izquierdo y un hemisferios derecho en el cerebro, cada uno con funciones especializadas. El hemisferio izquierdo es responsable del procesamiento de la información lógica y analítica, mientras que el hemisferio derecho está más involucrado en el procesamiento emocional y el pensamiento creativo.

5. Los caballos tienen una gran memoria y pueden recordar personas, lugares y experiencias concretas durante muchos años.

6. Los caballos pueden aprender por observación, y a menudo pueden adquirir nuevos comportamientos y habilidades simplemente observando a otros caballos o humanos.

7. Los caballos tienen un sentido del tacto muy sensible y pueden detectar incluso la más mínima presión o movimiento en su piel. Esto les ayuda a responder a las sutiles señales de tu motorista o guía.

8. Los caballos pueden procesar información visual muy rápida y precisa, permitiéndoles evitar posibles peligros y navegar por su medio ambiente con facilidad.

9. Los caballos son animales sociales y dependen de la comunicación no verbal para interactuar con otros caballos de su manada. Esta comunicación es facilitada por el cerebro del caballo, que puede interpretar cambios sutiles en el lenguaje corporal, expresiones faciales y vocalizaciones.

10. En última instancia, como todos los animales, los caballos tienen una personalidad única y rasgos individuales que se moldean por sus experiencias, genética y entorno, todo lo cual se refleja en su función cerebral y comportamiento.

11. Los caballos tienen un fuerte sentido del olfato y su bulbo olor, que procesa los olores, es relativamente grande comparado con otras partes de su cerebro.

12. El cerebro, que es responsable de coordinar el movimiento y el equilibrio, también es relativamente grande en caballos. Esto se debe a que los caballos deben ser capaces de moverse rápida y eficientemente para escapar de los depredadores o navegar por terrenos difíciles.

13. Los caballos tienen un umbral de dolor muy alto, que se cree que está relacionado con cómo sus cerebros procesan las señales de dolor. Aunque esto puede ser beneficioso en algunas situaciones, también puede significar que los caballos no muestran signos obvios de dolor, lo que hace más difícil para sus cuidadores detectar y tratar los problemas de salud subyacentes.

14. El hipocampo, una parte del cerebro involucrado en el aprendizaje y la memoria, está particularmente bien desarrollado en caballos. Esto les permite recordar no sólo experiencias concretas, sino también conceptos y patrones generales que pueden aplicar a nuevas situaciones.

15. Finalmente, los estudios han demostrado que los caballos, como otros animales, son capaces de experimentar emociones como el miedo, la felicidad y la ira. Se cree que estas emociones están mediadas por el sistema límbico, un grupo de estructuras cerebrales interconectadas que juegan un papel clave en la regulación del estado de ánimo y el comportamiento .


Wishing all our amazing Barn Dads a very Happy Father’s Day!

Wise words.😃

Wise words.

Rules for dating/marrying an equestrian:
1) They WILL have layers of clothes and muddy boots..either provide a place for them to drop these things or don't whine about the mess.
2) Expensive tack is still cheaper than the horse and human medical bills that can result from cheap tack. Good tack also lasts longer than the horse. Don't question the tack.
3) One horse is never enough. Don't even question this. It is a law of the universe.
4) Caring for the horse is ALWAYS more expensive than the horse. Whining about the purchase price is pointless.
5) When they say, "I'm just going to stop out at the barn for a few minutes." you should probably just make plans on your own the rest of the day.
6) That not-a-morning-person that you are used to will completely disappear on the mornings a trailer must be hooked up for a horse-related event. They will be replaced by a bright-eyed super-intense type-A psycho who will NOT care that you need 5 more minutes for your coffee because they need to be at the barn at 5:45 am PRECISELY.
7) Vet bills for horses start at 4-digits and go up from there. If it's less than $1000, pay it quickly and run out of the vet's office before the horse suddenly develops another problem.
8 ) No matter how badly your significant other is injured, you should NEVER blame the horse. In fact, don't mention the injury or the horse if you can avoid it. Suggesting they should avoid riding until they are healed will probably get you a crutch upside the head.
9) If you don't know what to get for a holiday or birthday, a gift card to the feed store is ALWAYS a good option. If you have messed up somehow, this is an excellent way to get out of the dog house. The value should reflect how much trouble you are in. A bouquet of feed store gift cards is generally sufficient to cover very bad mistakes, such as burning down the house or crashing the truck.
10) Your equestrian will be fine if you have your own hobbies and interests. In fact, you had better get your own hobbies and interests. If you want to spend significant time with your equestrian, you need to develop a useful skill.....such as driving a tractor, shoveling, operating a video camera, leatherwork of any sort, or becoming a veterinarian.
11) Trucks are not optional. Yes, the truck and trailer rig will likely be at least half the cost of your house. Arguing about this is unwise, your equestrian will happily LIVE in the truck and trailer and suggest selling the house.
12) Horse craziness is hereditary, generally passed down the maternal lines, but can be present on the males side as well. Prepare for this when planning children.
13) If you need your equestrian to spend more time at home, we suggest building a barn on your property.
14) Dates should be planned in a different county from where the horse is located. If the equestrian gets within 50 miles of the horse, they will need to stop by. You will be stuck there, see point number 5 above.
15) Never make it a competition between you and the horse. New significant others generally cost less money and are faster to train than a new horse. Just saying.

Yes and we’d put our lives on the line for them if needed.

Yes and we’d put our lives on the line for them if needed.

What a wonderful   we enjoyed today! Cheers to a fabulous weekend with our barn family.

What a wonderful we enjoyed today!
Cheers to a fabulous weekend with our barn family.

Days 2 and 3 of Summer Camp = lots of silly fun, riding time and the challenge of a rainy-stormy day.

Days 2 and 3 of Summer Camp = lots of silly fun, riding time and the challenge of a rainy-stormy day.


10032 Kleppel Road
Tomball, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 7pm
Wednesday 8am - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 7:30am - 3:30pm




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The VPF Dream

“Fulfilling Dreams, One Step at a Time”...

Vantage Point Farm is one Houston’s best kept secrets. A state of the art facility located on the edge of Tomball & The Woodlands, our little slice of country just inside the city, offers something for equine enthusiasts of all ages. Whether interested in casual riding or becoming a serious competitor in the show horse world, everyone enjoys the fun, peaceful atmosphere at our beautiful farm that is home to champion American Saddlebred horses & Hackney ponies.

VPF offers riding lessons for children & adults, horse training, sales & day camps throughout the year. The highly-experienced team at VPF strive to provide outstanding instruction, training & care while making both rider & horse feel completely at home. Each member of the farm is treated like they’re part of our family, which largely explains the success of our horses & riders at all levels of competition.

Give us a call today& let us help you achieve your equestrian goals.

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