Got to play with the big gun today. If you saw me get these out in your barn, your horse is either super hairy like a yak.... or is massive and has a ton of real estate to cover.
I'll admit that I don't love these for show clips because I tend to have to touch up lines but these were built for speed and efficiency and power through why big job
When it's time to clip my personal horse. Step 1 is one major bubble bath for this 4yr old who identified as a hippo.
What kind of clip do yall think be needs?
Hes in full training but he's 4 so his job isn't THAT hard yet and he is a big time sweater.
Psst. im back. book your spring clip now!
Next opening
Dec 16th & 17th.
Any takers?
Someone asked me why I body clip. Why do it when I have a very sucessful career outside of clipping and equine grooming.
Horses are expensive
I dont believe in charging people ungodly rates for clipping. Because I personally refuse to pay ungodly rates for these services.
Yes horses can be expensive, but body clipping and basic care shouldnt break the bank
Another oldie but goodie from the archives. My feather blending skills have only improved. This was one of my first times doing it. My client at Baroque Feathered Farm will be my professional reference.
Feather blending is a skill that is only mastered with practice.
Zip needed a Clip....
If your senior horse looks like this right now. Please call your vet first (they probably have undiagnosed cushings) and then call me!!!
Zip is a long standing client whom I adore. This 27yr young gelding lives his retirement very much loved in San Marcos.
Zip has cushings so just like the farrier.... he is on a 4-6 week schedule with me over the summer months.
Video is after i finished my initial pass over on his left side, and before starting his right side. Its amazing how much hair he has!
Maintenance clips are perfect for cushings horses to keep them comfy during these crazy months
Giving away trade secrets that no professional body clipper should disclose