Enzo had his first session with his @ecollartechnologies today! 🐾✨ This sweet boy is working on his over-excited greetings (because not everyone loves a full-speed hug! 😆). We’ve been focusing on slowing him down and reinforcing boundaries in calm moments so he can learn to keep his cool when guests arrive. Stay tuned to see how we use ecollar conditioning to help him master polite hellos! 🐶💕
#PawsAndPlayTraining #GoodBoyInProgress #DogTrainingJourney
I get asked this question A LOT!
This is a perfect example. In this video, I DO NOT use the e-collar, but it’s on in case I need to reinforce what I’m asking of Koda.
An e-collar is meant to be used AFTER our dogs already understand what we’re asking. They’re used to help communicate and set clear expectations.
Just like you don’t always need a seat belt, we put them on for our safety IN CASE something were to happen. Think of your e-collar the same way. It’s there IN CASE your dog decides not to listen, potentially putting themself, you, or someone else in harm’s way.
your dog will do what they want until you start to set consistent boundaries otherwise.
our dogs are SMART.
they learn very quickly, but they will only FOLLOW those rules if they know they have to.
for example:
🚩 you don’t want your dog to jump when people come over … but … you also …
❌ pet him while you’re saying stop and he’s not listening
❌ baby talk and tell him “it’s okay” repeatedly
❌ repeat yourself without consequence
these in the moment “no no’s” then get coupled with
❌ your dog not being held accountable to being calm when YOU come home
❌ your dog getting overly excited before a walk and getting rewarded for it
❌ your dog not knowing any alternative to the crazy
if you want your dog to listen some of the time, you have to make your dog listen ALL of the time
for help kick starting this, DM or COMMENT “train” and I’ll send you some info on training options to help your dog go from 🤪 -> 😌… or check out the link in my bio to my website
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Playgrounds are a favorite of mine for working with dogs that have high energy levels. Pushing them outside their comfort zone is a great way to work their mental stimulation (aka, tire them out), but it’s also a great way to build trust and bond with each other which will take your training to a whole new level 🛝
Tiring our dogs out goes far beyond just letting them run in the backyard or taking them for a walk around the block. Here are some other things you can do to tire them out:
🐾 Puzzle toys: Hide treats in puzzle toys to keep their mind engaged.
🐾 Training sessions: Teach new tricks or practice commands.
🐾 Interactive games: Play hide-and-seek or find-the-treat.
🐾 Scent work: Scatter treats in the yard for them to sniff out.
🐾 Interactive feeding: Make them wait and engage with you before eating.
Keeping their mind active is just as important as physical exercise! 🐾✨ #DogTraining #NJDogTrainer #NJDogTraining
One of the best things you can do for your anxious or reactive dog is to do nothing.
Take them places and sit on the outskirts.
Let them experience the world just far enough away from the danger, that they start to settle down.
It will likely take WEEKS if not MONTHS of repetition depending on how consistent you are.
But slowly, your dog will start to learn that they are safe and you can start to get closer to the “chaos” of the rest of the world with less anxiety and less reactivity.
There are a few things I would HIGHLY AVOID if your dog is showing high reactivity or anxiety.
Follow along @pawsandplaytraining for an upcoming post of what those are!
does your dog always pull ahead or fall too far behind on your walks? try this drill!
& make sure to follow along 👉🏼 @pawsandplaytraining
Tired of coming home to a crazy pup?
Make sure you’re not adding to the problem by accidentally reinforcing bad behavior.
Two of my favorite ways to combat craziness:
🐾 Keep your dog in their crate & wait for calm!
🐾 Use your @ecollartechnologies to effectively communicate with your dog (this can be left on while your dog is in the crate so you have double duty effectiveness!)
Make sure like and share this with a friend if you found it helpful!
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If your dog has their basic obedience down, but you’re wanting to continue challenging their brain, try this drill! #keeptrainingsimple
D O U B L E D O W N S — The calmest physical state your dog can be in! Teaching your dog a double down will help them calm down more quickly and can help reduce anxiety.