With it being Pet Dental Health Month what better time to start building understanding and comfort with cooperative care with dental care at home!
Let’s hear it for Clover- such a smarty pants
If you would like to know how to start teaching a rest, reach out to our LVT Behaviorist Amanda! She would love to help you teach your pups this wonderful skill😊
Daisy the cutie patootie says Let’s Hear it for Friday😃🎉👏🏼😁🐾‼️🙏
Yep that’s Vet Assistant Greg trying to escape with Vet Assistant Krista’s cats pizza blanket…
A little bit more of Sir Milk Beard🥹🩵🐾🐾
When your name is Cheez and you’re really digging that cheese🤣🧀🐶🐾🧀
Too funny😂
Last 2 days to vote!!! Let’s win this‼️
We are honored once again to be in the final round for the Best of 716❤️🦬💙
We have been nominated the past few years but have yet to win. We would like to see that change!
Best thing is that you can vote once a day‼️
Because of you we made it to the final round!
Voting is July 2-July 22 !!
🔵Click on Link
🔵Go to Medical Treatment Services
🔵Scroll to Veterinarians
🔵Click Ken-Ton Animal Clinic
We thank you for your support💙💙
Caught the new hire slacking off on the computer 😂
(Pancake the Rescue Kitty🐱🖤)
Miss Holly is at it once again😂👏🏼📭📦🐶
This girl loves getting the mail and Amazon packages!!!🤣😂
If you have a video of your pet with amazing skills please share below👇🏼🙀
A little breakroom pranks today🤣🤣