OK everyone as you may have heard we're moving the resue (see I didn't say sanctuary) lol a few towns over. The animals will have a bigger space and God willing our sponsors will come back and I can cut back on hours and spend more time with them,With that being said we're on the look out for a few things. Safety is a big key in this as they no longer will be in eye sight 24/7 and some extra measures need to be done.
So what we will need is....
Extra solar lights that flash (foxes, fisher cats don't like them)
Extra barbed or razor wire (bears,mountain lions and Bob cats)
Big food grade totes or calf huts for the pot belly piggies.
We have some but we are going bigger now so we will need more. We're selling off all of our piggy collections to help with some costs for the material.
Plywood and screws are a bonus.
Please keep in mind that if you can't help then please don't comment or complain about it. Just share as someone you know may have something of use. Yes funds are limited as the cost has basically depleted the funds.
Will need help with transport as well if you have a trailer and free time.