Last night,I was awakened to the sound of yips and howls on the grassy berm beside my house. This is a reminder that we are entering coyote breeding season. During this time coyotes will be very motivated to investigate all things canine in and around your yard.
If you live in an area where you are frequently visited by coyotes, you will want to make sure to keep your yard safe from visiting coyotes. This is where electric barrier fencing is totally useless for keeping unwanted animals out of your yard.
Install Coyote Rollers along the top of any fence panels to keep coyotes out and your dogs safely contained by your fence. Using a rolling PVC pipe will effectively keep fence climbing coyotes out and Houdini Huskies inside your fenced yard because the PVC roller spins in either direction.
The idea of this climbing deterrant is the PVC pipe rolls on a smaller diameter pipe making it pretty much impossible for the coyote or a dog to grasp the top of the fence. Coyote Rollers work on the same principle as a handled rolling pin .
To create the roller, mount a cable parallel to the top of your fence line using support eye hooks at 10 foot (or less) intervals.Then thread 1 inch diameter PVC pipe, onto a steel cable, and then place the 3 inch diameter over top of the smaller diameter PVC pipe and cable. Then tighten the cable to remove any slack and your 3 inch PVC pipe can freely roll over the smaller diameter PVC pipe without any drag or friction.