Windrock LLC Greyhounds

Windrock LLC Greyhounds website:

AKC Platinum Breeders of Merit Welcome to WINDROCK LLC ! We welcome those who love the Greyhound to contact us.

We are proud to be breeders and home to some of the best companion and dual purpose greyhounds in the country! We are located in Torrington , Wyoming and welcome visitors please call 970 170 1300. WINDROCK is a Registered Kennel name with the AKC and Colin Fritzler and wife Kimberly Lewark Fritzler are the only AKC Platinum Level Breeders Of Merit of Greyhounds! As a husband and wife team, we

have been actively involved with the dog fancy for over four decades. We have bred multiple greyhounds with BIS,SBIS,HIT and BIF accolades as well as having many #1 ranked winners in the show ring and on the coursing field. WINDROCK is a top breeder of greyhound AKC Dual Champions--firm testimony to the WINDROCK line of greyhounds athletic prowess and conformational excellence. Although WINDROCK is best known for their line of show and field Champions, we are equally as proud of the numerous pet, 4-H project, service, emotional support and therapy dogs that enrich the lives of so many people. At WINDROCK , our mission statement is to produce beautiful, functional greyhounds that are healthy and long-lived. We do not breed on whim or fashion, but rather for soundness, health and breed type. As a result WINDROCK greyhounds are not only top winners in the show ring, they excel in many kinds of performance events and have the desired gentle disposition to be the best of companions in the home. Our philosophy is that any greyhound bred with the proper temperament, trainability, and soundness in structure can succeed in almost any venue if the owner has the dedication and ambition to make the commitment. WINDROCK recognizes and embraces the importance of health screening and our breeding stock is health tested as well as DNA profiled and micro-chipped. Our strict criteria of breeding only the very best hounds with proven records of performance, has resulted in a line of versatile greyhounds that are long-lived with a sweet gentle character. WINDROCK greyhounds have had a an important influence on breeders in this country and abroad. Our greyhounds' glittering achievements, health and longevity are sound testimony to our dedication and methodology. We not only breed and raise these wonderful dogs, we are also active the adoption of retired racing greyhounds.

John Berman and CNN, shame on you. We’ve seen your callous comments about Siba the Standard Poodle, and about dog shows ...

John Berman and CNN, shame on you.

We’ve seen your callous comments about Siba the Standard Poodle, and about dog shows in general. Your commentary shows that you’ve never been to a dog show, and have never met a show dog. I’d like to address some of your comments.

1. Siba was not unhappy last night. Her body language showed that she was having a great time. Her tail was up, she was carrying herself proudly, and she was playing with her handler. In fact, all of the dogs in the Best in Show ring were happy and confident.

Show dogs are some of the most well-trained and well-socialized dogs in the country. Did you hear the crowd during Best in Show judging? Most household pets would be frightened out of their minds by the cacophony, but none of the dogs in the ring were bothered.

2. We aren’t elitists. The AKC allows mixed-breed dogs to compete in most of its events, including Agility, Obedience, Rally, Fast CAT, Coursing Ability Tests, Tracking, and Scentwork... just to name a few! Conformation is only for purebred dogs, but that’s because it is an event that compares dogs to their written breed standards. Mixed-breed dogs do not have breed standards. That doesn’t mean they’re not great dogs; it simply means that we have no way of including them in the sport of conformation.

We have breed standards for purebred dogs to ensure our breeds look and act a certain way. Mixed breeds make great pets, but often it’s beneficial for pet owners to have an idea of what their cute puppy is going to be like when it grows up. Choosing the right dog for your lifestyle keeps dogs out of shelters… which is why breed standards (and the responsible breeders who honor and uphold those standards) are SO important. This is a piece of the puzzle that so many people can’t seem to understand.

3. Much like we humans enjoy time at the spa, show dogs usually love their grooming routines. You may think Siba the Standard Poodle has a silly haircut, but Siba doesn’t care what she looks like… because Siba is a dog. Before the show, she probably had a nice relaxing nap on a satin cushion while her handler expertly prepared her coat. It didn’t hurt her, because her coat has been meticulously maintained since she was born. She probably even got a massage, to warm up her muscles before rocking that green carpet.

Regardless of what you may think about their haircuts, show dogs have incredibly healthy skin and coats. They are clean, mat-free, and well cared-for. They receive more skin and coat care than most household pets. If all dogs were given the choice to be groomed like a Poodle, or be matted and have fleas, I bet they’d choose the Poodle hairdo.

4. Siba isn’t in**ed. If you’d bothered to look up her pedigree, you’d know that.

We obsess over pedigrees. We agonize over our breeding decisions. We use software to map out test breedings, analyze COIs, and make long-term breeding plans. We study old publications containing accounts of dogs that have been dead for decades, on the off chance that that knowledge will help us breed a better dog. It keeps us awake at night. Some of that planning is for beauty, yes, but a bigger part of it is to produce sound, healthier, and longer-lived dogs while preserving the essence of each breed.

Every one of those show dogs you saw on the green carpet has a breeder and owners who love them. When they get old and grey, and it’s time for them to leave this world and they lay cradled in their owners’ arms, their fur will be dampened by their owners’ tears. Please don’t denigrate them because you don’t understand their lives.

Please, visit a dog show. Arrive early, and watch. You won’t find snooty mutt-haters. You’re going to see people of all ages, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds having fun with their dogs. You’re going to see professional handlers caring for their client dogs as if they were their own. You’re going to see judges go out of their way to give green puppies (and children!) a great experience. You’re going to see the old dogs in the Veteran classes light up in the ring and remember the good old days, while they amble around the ring to the sound of cheers and applause.

Most of all though, you’re going to see happy, healthy, well-trained, well-socialized, amazing dogs who are having a great time.

The anti-show, anti-breeder, anti-purebred rhetoric is getting old. Before you pass judgement on our world and our dogs, please come to our events and meet us. Meet the dogs. Try to open your mind to the possibility that you might be wrong about us.

Maybe then, you’ll see Siba for what she is, and why you owe her, her owners, her breeders, and the show community in general a profound apology.

Taken from Leah Hartlep. Photo of Ty and his owner handler, Sandra Bell

And God Created The GreyhoundOn the first day, God created the Greyhound.On the second day, God created man to serve the...

And God Created The Greyhound

On the first day, God created the Greyhound.

On the second day, God created man to serve the Greyhound.

On the third day, God created the animals of the Earth to serve as potential food for the Greyhound.

On the fourth day, God created honest toil so that man could labor for the good of the Greyhound.

On the fifth day, God created the tennis ball so that the Greyhound could or could not retrieve it.

On the sixth day, God created veterinary science to keep the Greyhound healthy and the man broke. (AMEN!!!)

On the seventh day, God tried to rest, but he had to walk the Greyhound……

On the eighth day, God believeth that He was done, but Lo! The Garden of Eden was full of Greyhound p**p and craters. Adam & Eve, having been banished from the garden, no longer dwelleth therein to serve the Greyhound, so it came to pass that He had to clean the mess up Himself. And God was displeased.

On the ninth day, God sayeth unto the Heavens, "Who hath dominion here, me or the Greyhound?

On the tenth day, God came upon the Greyhound cockroached on His throne and abideth there unmoving, despite all His beseeching.

And so it came to pass that God had his answer. He then sayeth unto Moses, "Fine! You’re in charge now. Here’s my ten commandments. You deal with the Greyhound! I’m retiring to Miami Beach!

And Moses convinced the Pharaoh to let the Israelites go out of bo***ge in Egypt and journey to the Promised Land. God sayeth unto Moses, "The Promised Land shall be yours, but you must take the Greyhound with you.

And so it came to pass that the Israelites wandered for 40 years in the wilderness, waiting for the Greyhound to go potty, mark every bush and sniff every blade of grass in its domain.

And the Greyhound was fruitful and multiplied.

The people were taken by the comliness and manner of the Greyhound, but they were sorely distressed. "Lord" they cried out, "The Greyhound is an attractive and sweet creature, but there are so many, what shall we do?"

And God sayeth unto the people, "Ye are a cursed people and shall be known as adopters! Thy yards shall be barren of grass. Thy dwellings shall overflow with dog beds, squeaky toys and Greyhound kitsch. Thy carpets shall be forever stained. Thy vet bills shalt be large and thy lives forever ordered around by the Greyhound. And thy minds shall be muddled, as thou shalt treat thy Greyhounds as thy do your human offspring."

And Adopters begat Chippers. And Chippers begat Fosters. And Fosters begat Adoption Groups. And Adoption Groups begat Discussion Lists. And Discussion Lists begat Gatherings. And Gatherings begat Venders. And Venders begat a wardrobe for the Greyhound. And the Greyhound was spoiled.

Author unknown

We are proud to share that little Homer (Windrock Keep The Faith) with help from his Mom, Leah Simpson, have completed P...

We are proud to share that little Homer (Windrock Keep The Faith) with help from his Mom, Leah Simpson, have completed Puppy Manners class! Homer wants to be a therapy dog like his Dad! We wish them all the best of luck in this worthwhile endeavor!

Happy New Year. 😊

Happy New Year. 😊

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!


The purpose of posting this disturbing video is to illustrate how improper crating can horribly distress a puppy. There is absolutely no excuse for this. Crate training is a process which teaches baby his crate is his special place and it is a process which takes time and lots of positive reinforcement. 😢😡

Another Puppy has flown the nest into the arms of his new people.  While he has a wonderful family and life awaiting him...

Another Puppy has flown the nest into the arms of his new people. While he has a wonderful family and life awaiting him, it is with profound sadness I watch them drive through our gates for the last time. Godspeed little Windrock You Rock My World. May you rock your new family's world like you did mine the short time I was gifted to have with you!



Yup,  I could so see this 😂😂

Yup,  I could so see this 😂😂

Mike Sanders Have an amazing day My Lovely 🥰 ### 😘

Here are Pickles little pickle chips!! As you may recall, they were born the day we had a tornado touchdown!  Whelped 6-...

Here are Pickles little pickle chips!! As you may recall, they were born the day we had a tornado touchdown! Whelped 6-20-24

Here  the Barcelona x Mayhem (MBIS/SBIS CH Greystone's Barcelona x MBIF DC Windrock Blackberry Wine SC Fch) kids whelped...

Here the Barcelona x Mayhem (MBIS/SBIS CH Greystone's Barcelona x MBIF DC Windrock Blackberry Wine SC Fch) kids whelped July 13, 2024. 4 boys and 2 girls. Wigley lot and Wyoming wind wasn't helping!

Inquires invited as some people with reservations lost their homes due to hurricanes and fires!

Litter theme on these puppies are Michael Jackson songs!

Proud of our Wyatt x Firefly kids!

Proud of our Wyatt x Firefly kids!

Some results from the Greyhound Club of America Western Regional held with the Rocky Mountain Hound Show. We are proud t...

Some results from the Greyhound Club of America Western Regional held with the Rocky Mountain Hound Show. We are proud to announce that Tara (Windrock Endless Love) and Wiggles (Windrock How Do You Like Me Now) had a very good time and successful showings--both became new AKC Champions! Tara was WB, BOW for a 5 pt major at the RMHS and also won an Award of Merit at the GCA Specialty in her first out as a new Champion.

Sister Wiggles was RWB at the GCA Specialty to another Windrock bred girl--Windrock Get Off Of My Cloud At Shylo)— who was WB for 5 pts. Wiggles won the WB,BOW for 5 pts at the supporting Greeley show the next day. Owing to work commitments, we couldn't stay for the next two days show, but we are proud to share that grandchildren of our sire MBIS/MSBIS Ch Shazam's The Journey Begins JC were awarded many wins. It was a great couple of days with good friends and the opportunity to see many greyhounds.

Another puppy has flown the nest into the arms of his new family. Godspeed gentle Cooper! We will miss you ❤️

Another puppy has flown the nest into the arms of his new family. Godspeed gentle Cooper! We will miss you ❤️

This little guy is leaving us to go to his new home in Texas. Happy Trails, Rocky!! We are surely going to miss you! ❤️

This little guy is leaving us to go to his new home in Texas. Happy Trails, Rocky!! We are surely going to miss you! ❤️


Kimberly And Colin Fritzler
Torrington, WY


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We are proud to be breeders and home to some of the best companion and dual purpose greyhounds in the country!

WINDROCK is a Registered Kennel name with the AKC and Colin Fritzler and wife Kimberly Lewark Fritzler are the only AKC Platinum Level Breeders Of Merit of Greyhounds! As a husband and wife team, we have been actively involved with the dog fancy for over four decades. We have bred multiple greyhounds with BIS,SBIS,HIT and BIF accolades as well as having many #1 ranked winners in the show ring and on the coursing field. WINDROCK is a top breeder of greyhound AKC Dual Champions--firm testimony to the WINDROCK line of greyhounds athletic prowess and conformational excellence. Although WINDROCK is best known for their line of show and field Champions, we are equally as proud of the numerous pet, 4-H project, service, emotional support and therapy dogs that enrich the lives of so many people.

At WINDROCK , our mission statement is to produce beautiful, functional greyhounds that are healthy and long-lived. We do not breed on whim or fashion, but rather for soundness, health and breed type. As a result WINDROCK greyhounds are not only top winners in the show ring, they excel in many kinds of performance events and have the desired gentle disposition to be the best of companions in the home. Our philosophy is that any greyhound bred with the proper temperament, trainability, and soundness in structure can succeed in almost any venue if the owner has the dedication and ambition to make the commitment.

WINDROCK recognizes and embraces the importance of health screening and our breeding stock is health tested as well as DNA profiled and micro-chipped. Our strict criteria of breeding only the very best hounds with proven records of performance, has resulted in a line of versatile greyhounds that are long-lived with a sweet gentle character.