Barbara Dwyer, BS, Animal Behavior Therapy
Ethology Institute, UK (multiple species)
Certified Behavior Counselor Canine-Knowledge Assessed, CCPDT
Certified Professional Dog Training-Knowledge and Skills Assessed, CCPDT
Certified Trainer and Counselor, San Francisco SPCA Academy
See Spot Stay moved from California to Connecticut in July 2014. We now serve Litchfield and surrounding counties in Co
nnecticut, New York and Massachusetts. We specialize in canine and parrot behavioral Behavioral issues addressed include but are not limited to: fear, aggression, resource guarding, separation anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder. Barbara comes to your home for consultations and training and provides in-depth written reports and treatment plans to owners and their veterinarians. Barbara has taught AKC obedience classes for 15+ years and a variety of other pet and competition dog classes. She has taught for multiple AKC obedience clubs and consulted with rescue, shelter and veterinary staff on a variety of topics. She has offered seminars on multiple topics for which attendees can earn continuing education credits. Barbara has considerable experience working with parrots and is a Certified Avian Specialist. She did her senior thesis on welfare, socialization and training of parrots in an avian specialty store. In July 2014, she presented her results at the American Federation of Avicultures annual convention in Portland, OR.