Came to Land Between the Lakes for the ATFA Kentucky Regional hunt on Friday and the Bob Wallace memorial rally hunt. Pulled out a 3rd place finish on Friday night with a score of 1050 +.
Rally hunt started slow, this morning Copper started out in 16th place with only 50+ points, but after a good nap back at the room and a pep talk by Deanna, he came back this evening and put up 1225+ with an overall score of 1275+. That put him in 3rd place for the rally, but not only that JBC’s Scalded Copper was named ATFA Dog Of The Year! So proud of this little guy. Not too bad for my first squirrel dog!
Shout out to everyone that helped guide me in this sport, thanks to Jaden and Brentlee for helping me out today, and thanks to Deanna for always following me around and putting up with me 😂!