It doesn’t matter how successful you think you are, and it doesn’t matter the position you have or don’t have, it’s inevitable, you will experience being hurt while on this journey.
Not everyone is going to be kind.
Not everyone is going to be for you.
Not everyone is going to appreciate your gifting’s and talents.
It’s sometimes the people who are closest to you who hurt you, and who crush you with disappointment. But it can also be someone you admire, and look up to who shatters your confidence. Regardless of the person, regardless of the reason why, don’t allow it to push you into a corner, and to destroy you, for there is more in you to give.
Go ahead and allow yourself to feel, but don’t let it keep you down for too long. There’s a lot more for you to do.
Feel, cry, reflect, and then get back up and go do what you’re called to do!