What most people go to a dog trainer for is to fix an adult dog that is driving them crazy or trying to eat every other creature including the other dog they've lived with for years. What they get, all too often, is someone telling them that all they need to do is teach their dog how to sit, down, stay, come and heel. And maybe a few other behaviors like leave it or go to your place. These are fine tricks to know, and they can help in the process of handling inappropriate behavior, but they are not the remedy.
When your dog or dogs are locked in a battle over food or toys or even just space, teaching the dogs to sit is not going to handle their emotions and shared antagonism.
When your dog is destroying your dry wall, chewing up crates and driving the neighbors crazy with the constant howling and barking when you are at work, teaching her to 'come' or 'heel' does not fix the anxiety and loss she feels every time you walk out that door. Find someone who is going to work with you on your dog's emotions, confidence and ability to live in a human world.